best class wotlk classic

However, since Ulduar is generally comprised of multiple AoE fights, Enhancement Shamans seem to be at a massive disadvantage in that department. 3 Best Gold Farming Class In Wrath Of The Lich King. But in the last half of the expansion, as the fights get longer their damage becomes average. They are still considered viable, as they do a decent amount of damage, but they typically cannot compete with the A-tier specs on the damage meters. However, they will provide invaluable AoE damage with their cleave potential, and they also pack quite a high amount of utility through Heroic Throw and Sunder Armor. The good news here are that, even with the nerfed set bonus, Frost DKs are extremely powerful, finding themselves on the top spot of the S-tier, as both set bonuses remain extremely strong. Go Fire, burn some monsters instead. For the PvE DPS tier list in specific, we break down how strong each spec is in every phase as well. Many raids will choose to bring multiple Combat Rogues in Phase 4, which is great, as it further allows us to improve our damage by trading the Tricks of the Trade buff with one another. If we consider a fully geared Fury Warrior with proper experience, they may as well be among the top places of B-Tier, being held back only by the lack of consistent Armor Penetration. Its still not quite up there with Death Knights, Fire Mages, and Marksmanship Hunters, but its very respectable. Still, theres no way you could call Frosts damage poor by any metric so, if you enjoy the playstyle, theres no real reason to swap to Unholy if you dont want to. He is also an avid Volleyball player and friend to all dogs. There are no specific fights that benefit a Survival Hunter, being overall very well-rounded both in AoE fights and single-target fights. Related: A Complete Guide To The Tirion Fordring Questline "In Dreams". Meanwhile, our Battle Shout no longer stacks with Blessing of Might, so our utility has seen an overall nerf, which puts the last nail on our titanic coffin. Our cleave damage, meanwhile, is simply outrageous, at a lack of a better term. Were not quite as strong as some of the big boys above us, so raids likely wont heavily stack Unholy DKs, but it wont be uncommon to see 2-3 in a raid, as our formerly Frost comrades switch to Unholy. All classes have at least one specialization that performs well at some point in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, so players shouldn't worry too much about their class choice. Survival is one of the temporary specs of WotLK, as our scaling is somewhat lacking. It takes a long time to level a single character, so make the right choice first if you're looking for a lucrative PVP career. In fact, the opposite is true by most metrics, they belong in the S-tier. Furthermore, our cleave damage is significantly less impressive than our AoE damage was last phase, and, as a result, Demonology Warlocks in Phase 3 are mostly there for the Demonic Pact buff, as their damage noticeably falls off. There are no specific fights where Assassination Rogues thrive, as they always must be close to their targets, and they mainly specialize in single-target damage. Were just 3 days away from the launch of the WotLK Classic pre-patch, and just 1 month away from the launch of WotLK Classic itself! Just like in previous phases, our single-target damage is fine, but our true strength lies in our multi-dotting. Survival Hunter has received a massive revamp with the coming of WotLK. This is by no means a big drop, however, as were still near the top, offering some top-tier damage thanks to our very workable scaling and the abundance of armor penetration on Phase 4 equipment. Phase 3 fights typically arent too long, and single-target damage plays a big role in nearly all of them. The Death Knight Tier 9 set (Thassarians Battlegear) is extremely powerful, but even that is sadly not enough to bring our damage to par with some of the weakest damage-dealing specs out there. If you have ever heard about the paladin in Wrath of the Lich King, you should know exactly what we are talking about. The spec also brings some powerful utility! While they were previously placed in the C-tier, we can now count them among the most powerful DPS specializations in the A-tier. If you hesitated to switch from Arms last phase, dont hesitate any longer grab yourself a second two-handed weapon and go Fury. Ret Paladin single-target damage is finally competitive. S-Tier: Affliction Warlocks (Afflic) are a top-tier DPS throughout most of the expansion. After getting a glimpse of the S-tier, Combat Rogues are unfortunately knocked down to the upper echelons of the A-tier in Phase 3. Check Out Our Tier Lists! Since our DPS Tier List does not take into account only the raw damage output of a class, specialization spells such as Ritual of Souls, Create Soulstone, and Ritual of Summoning combined with the vast array of curse spells available to Affliction Warlocks truly put them in the first spot in our Tier List. The S-Tier represents the most powerful classes in the current meta those with the highest damage and utility. Their scaling is so strong, in fact, that they can completely ignore the fact that both of their Tier 10 (Windrunners Battlegear) set bonuses are completely terrible for Marksmanship. We currently see Demonology Warlocks on top as the #1 DPS, basically matched by another familiar S-Tier face: Affliction Warlock. Fury went from the #1 single-target and top-3 cleave DPS spec in TBC, to the pits of the C-tier during WotLKs Phase 1. However, it can be argued that were better than the other D-tier specs due to our exclusive access to Hysteria, the most powerful buff in the game. We have a brand-new playstyle with a new ability, the Lava Lash, and a combo-point-esque system, the Maelstrom Weapon. Since the Demonic Pact is so powerful, many raids choose to offer their loot to Demonology Warlocks before gearing up any other caster, with the exception of Affliction Warlocks. The main thing holding us back here is the lack of reliable cleave damage to keep up on these cleave-heavy fights. Season of Mastery Realms Permanently Closing! Similar to the Top Dogs (the Unholy Death Knights and Affliction Warlocks), this will happen largely because Frost DKs damage (Frost Strike, Howling Blast, etc.) Still, Combat Rogues are incredibly powerful, and it wont be rare to see 2-3 of them per raid in Phase 3. What classes will be strongest at the start of the expansion in S5, before loads of armor pen, crazy trinkets, and legendary weapons start appearing in late game and starts reshaping the meta. Were now a solid A-tier spec. However, our new ability, Divine Storm, pushes our cleave damage to an upper A-tier level thats how strong it is. Boomies still refuse to leave their spot in the middle of the DPS meters in Phase 4, finding themselves near the top of the B-tier yet again. While they do not have to worry about their mana, their extremely low survivability coupled up with the increased difficulty of Ulduar will force them to be a bit warier of their environment instead of the DPS Meter. . Furthermore, while our cleave damage isnt the highest in the game, the ability to apply Living Bomb on multiple targets and then spamming Pyroblasts means were not doing bad at all in that department either. Their Tier 8 set (Aegis Battlegear) lacks any impressive set bonuses compared to what some of the higher tier specs get. With our Shadowfury gimmick being largely unneeded, most Warlocks will shift back to Affliction for this phase. Death Knight. While we dont have the raw single-target, cleave, or AoE damage of some of the S-tier specs, we make up for that downside by having no real weak points we do great single-target, cleave, and AoE damage. Due to this brand-new mechanic, we can claim a much higher spot on the DPS charters in Single-Target fights. C Tier: Destruction Warlocks (Destro) have decent damage and would be a respectable choice if its the play style you enjoy. Were S-tier in Phase 2, and we remain incredibly competitive for the rest of the expansion, meaning that you have nothing to fear if you like the Cat playstyle. This usually means that while they do have the potential to output extreme amounts of damage., they tend to die before they manage to do so. On 4+ targets, we become DPS gods with Fan of Knives, but against 2-3 targets we only really have Blade Flurry to work with, which is good, but doesnt really compare to what some other specs have. But they lacked vision. The go-to source for comic and superhero movies. You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! All good things must come to an end, goes the popular saying, and so our brief stint in the B-tier is over. They do provide buffs to the group, however, other classes can also provide them and they deal more damage. Cleave damage is still great, but single-target damage is starting to fall off. On one hand, their single-target damage remains lacklustre, due to average scaling and 2 mostly uninspiring set bonuses on their Tier 9 set, Velens Regalia. This article is part of a directory: WoW Wrath. Besides their spectacular damage, Unholy Death Knights also grant a high amount of utility through different spells such as Death Grip and talents such as Ebon Plaguebringer, helping their raid by providing displacement, a magical damage-increasing debuff, and many more effects. However, theyre slowly deflating, like those balloons you never took down after your kids 6th birthday party because it was too much work. Twitch They also bring a wide range of Utility tools for the raid in addition to their insane capacity for pumping out damage. Frost Death Knights also benefit from very high survivability due to their Unbreakable Armor while also providing the raid with Improved Icy Talons, a buff that grants 20% increased melee haste for all nearby raid members. We have the opposite issue of Marksmanship in many respects our single-target damage is meh, but our cleave and AoE damage is very decent, thanks to Explosive Shot dealing AoE-damage. Their damage is probably the worst damage of among all of the classes in PvE content. There have been numerous attempts to make Subtlety Rogues viable for PvE content, however, it simply seems like the specialization itself has been crafted by Blizzard with the sole purpose of obliterating squishy targets in PvP content, with no real applicability in massive PvE content. Our biggest change is the addition of Bladestorm, as well as Sweeping Strikes being moved back to the Arms tree after a brief stint in the Fury tree. It's a hybrid pvp specc named after the player preghiera. Contribute This makes them relatively unaffected by the scarcity of the armor penetration stat on Phase 1 equipment. However, we have something they dont: an excellent cleave tool, in Howling Blast. Destruction continues doing unimpressive damage, as the Tier 10 set (KelThuzads Regalia) doesnt really patch up our weaknesses. You might want to proof-read your comments before posting them. We go from a budget version of Destruction, spamming Shadow Bolt, to a fully-fledged, damage-over-time-focused spec. The spec wont be putting out quite as much damage as Ferals with their Swipe (Cat) spam, but with superior single-target damage, they remain extremely competitive within this tier. Boomie single-target damage goes from the laughingstock of DPS specs to being very respectable particularly in the earlier phases, before other casters take off due to their superior scaling. 2. However, theyre slightly behind their Survival brethren, right on the top of B Tier. But they lacked vision. This is mainly due to their enormous potential for scaling, especially when acquiring vast amounts of Haste. 4. At the start of the expansion, Blood was actually the strongest DPS spec, since Death Knights in general were wildly overpowered. Furthermore, just like with our MM brothers, our Tier 10 (Windrunners Battlegear) set bonuses do next to nothing for us, which makes things even worse. This means that, on cleave-type fights in specific, you will likely be at the top of the damage meter. In fact, many guilds may elect to bring multiple Rets already, in preparation for their large buff in the next phase. Affliction Warlocks retain the S-Tier mark, becoming utter monsters in terms of both Single-Target and Area-of-Effect damage. Compared to a prot warrior, the prot paladin is like a power drill and a prop warrior is like a screwdriver. So, if you enjoy your Hunter, Marksmanship is not a bad choice at all! Our Tier 10 set (Bloodmages Regalia) having 2 incredible set bonuses is just the icing on the cake that is the Phase 4 for Fire Mages. We will be ranking each DPS class available for the expansion, as well as explaining each classs position on the tier list. However, compared to Survival Hunters, they struggle with their mana management. However, while it's the best healer for healing tanks, it's not that good for healing the entire raid. Unholy stays competitive throughout every Phase in WotLK, and eventually outshines Frost during the last phase, with the Icecrown Citadel raid. Still, if you enjoy the playstyle, Enhancement is very much viable, so if your guilds looking for an extra Shaman to fill all totem slots, you shouldnt hesitate to give it a go. Assuming full phase 10 bis, fury warriors will be slightly stronger. 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