gabapentin ruined my life

DISCLAIMER: The topics and articles published on this website including text, graphics, videos info graph and other material are for informational purposes only and should not be substituted for professional medical advice. I also remind myself that I may not have as much of a problem as others do. Filter by condition Gabapentin rating summary 6.0/10 average rating 183 ratings from 192 user reviews. Last month I was cutting my pills in 1/2 and 1/4"s to just licking my finger in the powder. I can't do it every day. Every year, it entertains millions of visitors from all over the world. I guess Im just wondering why you want to go off! I don't even know how to explain but reading your post about your mind not functioning right..feeling off in the head like brain damage.. Look up information about tapering off benzoid drugs or the NY Times article about people trying to get off anti-depressants, we're all in the same boat and they're FINALLY realizing that. Gabapentin responds quickly from 2 to 3 hours and up to 5 weeks. The internal nerve shaking that accompanies the pain is beyond annoying. Never had any real issues with my mind and always bounced back from other drugs in my past. Sweating, confusion, not able to sleep, shaking, nausea, heart palpitations, pain, etc. answered any questions you had concerning this. I have never had an issue coming off anything and i have been on what is considered "highly addictive". I have been an RN for 42 years. Some of the more common side effects that can occur with the use of gabapentin are listed below: viral infection fever nausea and vomiting trouble speaking hostility jerky movements Serious side effects Call your doctor right away if you have serious side effects. I don't know what your "withdrawal" symptoms have been, but I had burning, severe bilateral leg pain, nerve shaking and eye pain. 1. I'm going to try separating my 900 mg which is 300 at a time. Prayers. Tremors and akathisia are reported and these lead to life-threatening conditions. Good, write that down too. Gabapentin has a half-life of between 5 and 7 hours. I too had to start seeing a therapist as it was so bad. Thanks for your prayers, I need them! Its important to discuss any symptoms youre experiencing with your doctor so that they can adjust your dosing schedule. You can have seizures so bad that you can die! The internal nerve shaking that accompanies the pain is beyond annoying. Also inform your doctor if youre taking any other medication. I have never had my life ruined by Gabapentin, but I will drop the experiences some have passed through with Gabapentin, and how this relates to the issue of Gabapentin ruined my life.. (Also, many report teeth crumbling and loss from gabapentin, among many other adverse reactions or events.). Gabapentin is a gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) analog. Most days it is all I can do to get through the day so that I can sleep and get a break from it all. I developed depression on gabapentin after a few weeks. Id put it on my finger and lick it off. Just curious! Seventh one: Hi Diane, I did not know about these horror stories from the rest of you and was not aware this was a controlled substance until quite recently. Most typically recommend a too-fast taper or even a cold turkey. Do the following if you have missed dose on significant doses; You should consult your doctor on what to do if you dont know what to do. Satisfaction. Finally, I can get out of bed in the morning and get dressed for the day. On protonix. Patient aims to help the world proactively manage its healthcare, supplying evidence-based information on a wide range of medical and health topics to patients and health professionals. I was always on the edge and needed constant validation on how things were okay. However, one good thing about the withdrawal effects is that it does not leave any permanent damage. Barres noted that he and his colleagues found that gabapentin does not dissolve pre-existing synapses, but only prevents formation of new ones. I have no desire to see anyone though I forced myself to take a road trip to Vegas this weekend. so I decided I wasn't taking it anymore and I did not tell my doctor I did not know it was addictive. I suppose it's workiing for some of my issues, but I DON'T like taking a drug that is this HORRENDOUS coming off. my side effects are drowsiness, weakness,dizziness, instability (walking), anxiety, difficulty with memory, back/joint pain, I think out of the LIST of side effects, I have 2/3 rds, Hi Jackie, I understand. I came off gabapentin last November.i started to feel as if I was getting Back to some sort of normality mid February. The other day my friends referred to me as the 'Fun Pat'. Wish I could implode every last bit of this stuff off the earth but I cannot. Offer dietary and lifestyle advice, particularly if. As I said, it didn't help nearly enough, but I thought I'd mention it in case you wanted to try it. The recommended dose range will depend on the childs age and weight. 8 years I have been on at least 600 and then 600 more about a year or two years. The Takeaway: Gabapentin is a common medication used to treat seizures, but one of the side effects can be erectile dysfunction. I have been off Gabapentin cold turkey for about a month. These include: According to the authors of a 2010 study paper; people with preexisting kidney disease may experience potentially fatal toxicity when taking gabapentin. It can take a while for the body to reset after discontinuing the drugespecially if not done properly. Gabapentin belongs to a class of drugs called anticonvulsants. It is not an opioid. When taking the drug, ones body will adjust to the artificially induced GABA and start to produce less of its own. These chemicals send signals that tell your body how to work. Since I take 900 mg 4 x daily, and dosages come in 600, 400, 300 and 100 I will every 4 to 5 weeks reduce 100 each time. It's not possible unless you are quite weathly. These include: A person may experience symptoms related to kidney abnormalities, such as: Gabapentin can cause a severe allergic reaction or anaphylaxis. I havent been doing it long enough to give you a report but I will let you know my progress. Very sweet and thoughtful from someone I never met. It has a short half life. It's a mess. I wish I would have researched it before I went on it! I hope your experience is easier than mine. Without knowing anything about any side effects, I started giving things away and lost all desire for things that I once cared about. Horrible stomach cramps. I got from 2700mg to being off it in a few weeks I think I'd sooner suffer the pelvic pain rather than taking gaberpentin. The treatment to it removes the unwelcomed shaking of your legs. After my very first dosage (a small amount), I felt very weird. We each have our own type of WD symptoms, but there's a broad range which can occur. It has not helped my head pain and pressure so now I am dealing with that as well as the withdrawal. Also, if you were on multiple drugs or are still on other meds like opioids or ativan, that may explain the lingering effects. Feel free to contact us at [emailprotected] if you have further questions to ask or if theres anything you want to contribute or correct to this article. Gabapentin ruined my life is a common phrase among many users who experience the other side of this medication. However the side effecs are ruining my life, I'm intensely angry, like rage at times. Gut issues are worse. Inform the doctor about any previous history of allergy to the active or inactive ingredients, Choose a suitable method of administration, Inform the doctor about the gastric medication, Must provide a history of recent or past surgery, Must provide a history of any endocrine or cardiac dysfunctions. Anyway I was on 1800 a day when I started to taper, I was on it for over 20 years. I had gabapentin prescription but rarely took it but when I went off of the Percocet I took the gabapentin to ease the withdrawal symptoms. Do not increase the dosage to catch up with the missed doses. Good Luck with what ever you decide to do! woozy and lightheaded and short of breath. Im also wondering if this will ever end! Some need less time, some more. I keep things as simple as possible, sleep when I need it. I started my ween I 10-17. Gabapentin is a fairly safe medication when people take it according to a doctors instructions. Side effects include weakness, fatigue, sleepiness, dizziness and depression. Yes, it can. This month the withdrawal, or Discontinuation Syndrome as the manufacturer prefers to call it, has been easier. It even hurt to apply mascara. ?have you stopped taking them and did you taper? I'm so sorry the depression is still there. I took this medication gabapentin for 3 weeks. Sleep deprivation: How Technology has Been Hindering with Your Sleep? Consult your doctor, physician, or pharmacist on how to use Gabapentin safely. One of the crucial points, why I feel gabapentin has ruined my life, is because of its moderately long-standing withdrawal effects. There is No reason.none to put a person on this mind, soul, and body bending product for pain control under the false guise of it being non-addictive and the only choice for chronic nerve pain. I've managed to be free of this site prescription for about 2 weeks now. I'm tired of taking so much medicine I just decided I wasn't going to take it anymore which was my mistake without checking first. People already taking the medication should contact a doctor if the side effects become bothersome. Make sure you immediately report to your healthcare provider if you exhibit any sign of an allergic reaction or any unusual side effect. Serious side effects and their symptoms can include the following: o anxiety thats new or gets worse, o crankiness thats new or gets worse, o aggressive or violent behavior, o extreme increase in activity and talking, o unusual changes in behavior or mood, o swollen glands that do not go away, o yellowing of your skin or the whites of your eyes. The maximum total dose per day is 1800 mg. More intense burning, face and arms prickly and skin crawling and hyper-sensitive. But until that brain snapped back to "being me", I don't think all of that would have made as much of a difference. Typical dosing for partial seizures is as follows: Adults (12 years and older): The starting dose is 300 mg by mouth three times a day. It scares the willies out of me. but as soon as i took that last pill 6 weeks after slowly lowering by 1 pill every 3 days i went through withdrawls that at one point made me think i was having a stroke. I hope it gets better for you. Pain in the upper shoulder, tingles in chest, muscle cramps, low memory, hot and cold flashes, nausea with vomiting, anxiety with constant heart palpitations, flu.. All these went away after a couple weeks, my only problems now are depression and emotional issues. Altered mental status, drowsiness, and renal dysfunction are also some effects that retain if Gabapentin is not taken off. I don't meet up with friends, can't even watch movies and just spend all day on my phone. As a patient, you have to watch out for the appearance of the side effects in between your treatment regimen or in the withdrawal time frame. Dont stop taking gabapentin without first discussing it with your doctor. Yeah, it does. I was on Tylenol 3 for Pain which when stoped I had no withdrawl just increased Pain. If you want to stop taking your medication, do it under a doctors supervision while gradually decreasing your dosage. I'm happy for you that your depression has disappeared, I keep waiting, especially since I'm doing it the right way and from what I've read the symptoms shouldn't be this bad, but everyone is different. I've been tapering VERY slowing, 100 mg/month and I even skip a taper, like at Christmas or vacation, when I don't want to deal with the side effects. With every reduction came all the withdrawl symptoms all over again but as I got closer to the end Id have about 5-7 hard days rather than a whole 2-3 weeks of it. They can really help you out. If it crosses the five months tenure, it is better to keep it under strict observation of a consultant. Gabapentin is dangerous and not a catch all alternative to see if it works. Another user stated: Gabapentin became my worst nightmare right after I took the first ever dose of this medication. I've realized I have to commit to 2 years of my life to getting off this stuff, but in the end I know it will be worth the slow taper. Horrible intense burning every time I wake up and since i am not sleeping great, that could be 3-5 times per night. I think we should all complain about this drug. What helped me was a FB post from someone who said her daughter dragged her but to a neurologist to get checked for Alzheimer's. Complaints about lack of concentration, irritation, and hyperventilation have been noted by quite a lot of people. I never thought it would take so long to start feeling better. Swelling or tenderness in different parts of the body. 4) I had a creepy crawly sensation in my feet that felt like I was walking on sandpaper. I know this is an old post, but you give me encouragement. I pray we all get through this mess! I joined a Facebook group called Gabapentin Awareness. Being alone means no support or anyone to watch out for changes you may not notice. 3) I became depressed & anxiousI feel like I lost weeks of my life I will never get back. Michel51: Sorry i was reading your story and i too can relate to everything all of u are going through, i also tried to break up the gaba by taking 1/2 in the am and 1/2 at night,,,this made it worse,,,i was in a complete fog,,,i only was taking 300 mg at night ( i thank my God that i wasnt able to handle it 3x daily as prescribed),,,i had multiple back surgeries and was left with nerve damage,,,i was and am on oxycodone at the same time,,,as i lowered pain med a little at a time i kept waking with severe wd,,,i figured i needed to level out,,,i cit myself slack but after 4 weeks i was still having terrible wd every morning,,,i prayed for God to reveal what is going on? Next I took 100 off am dose to = 200mg in am and 300 at night. I don't know how long it has been since you discontinued the gabapentin, but hang in there. the burning was pretty intense so I would use Tinactin spray to cool my feet off at night or put them in cold water. I did not have any problems or side effects from taking it except for the weight gain. 2 years ago this was totally different. Whatever it takes I'm getting out of this mess and horrors to come. My plan was to write about my extremely painful and unexpected withdrawal experience after I felt better, but it has been FIFTEEN months. Gabapentin comes as a capsule, a tablet, an extended-release (long-acting) tablet, and an oral solution (liquid) to take by mouth. If you experience seizures, shortness of breath, or other serious symptoms, call 911 or seek medical attention immediately. I am so angry that she threw me on this with out knowing what was really wrong! It is almost 2 years and 2 months since my six day wean off the drug gabapentin. My doctors prescribed me a variety of new and modified versions of newly available anticonvulsants. This medicine cannot cure epilepsy and will only work to control seizures for as long as you continue to take it. Thats exactly how I felt. If its time for you to stop this med, your doctor will simply recommend a taper schedule for you, which should be followed vigilantly if you wish to keep withdrawal symptoms at bay. i am seeing a neurologist soon for the brain zaps, but i hear it's not uncommon. I take crushes almonds (skin included) on some food and/or unsalted pistachio's in little bits through the day. I keep telling my Dr, but he also says he's never heard of that! In some conditions, dose escalation helps, but some meds cause terrible side effects and can not be increased. Coming off any drug abruptly after being on it for 20 years is always going to be hell if not downright dangerous. First I had the doc give me an order for 100mg capsules. Gabapentin is only available on prescription, so people will need to visit a doctor to obtain this medication. I can't believe I just found this forum. Ihave felt 100% better this month than any other part of this ween. All right, guys, that is it for now on the issue of Gabapentin ruined my life. I hope. I was on Gabapentin for 7 months overall. kidney stones*. so finally I went back to the doctor and he put me on 600 more milligram at night. Little did I know, I had to pay a long list of prices for being on this medication. I was on 2400 mg for 6 weeks for nerve pain after a snowboard accident. When my neuropathy got worse my dosage went up, that's how I got to 3600mg daily UGH!!! However, this WILL get better in time. I didn't go down in dose until I felt normal again. Anxiety, nervousness, or tension makes us shake our feet involuntarily. One user stated: Gabapentin has been a nightmare for me and left me with another disease to deal with for probably the rest of my life. Persons who died of a gabapentin-related drug death were prescribed the drug legitimately 91.4% of the time, with 84.2% of those also having a known prior history of abuse or misuse of prescription medications. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Im glad we have more online sites to find Patient reviews. You have found a good place mentally. I tried coming off of gabapentin. I feel really cruddy today But that just might be me I don't know. Like many of you, I wish i had never started on this drug. Gabapentin can also be used for the treatment, prevention and management of Restless leg syndrome. So fed up of the brain fog,forgetting names/where i was in a sentence. Hey, sorry I didnt respond, just saw this now when I started researching this drug again. I can't believe that this crap is still on the market. We are all different and this is what worked for me. The doc told me he phoned in 3 prescriptions to the pharmacy, two antibiotics and and anti-nausea med all of which I'm to take the day before surgery. My shoulder was in excruciating pain. It's hard to think rationally when you're mind is focused on all the ways you think you have ruined your life. There are a few people who have come forward and revealed how the med has made them feel as long they took it. Adding meds won't, it will just make it worse. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. This is what I have since learned about the drug: Stanford University did a study on gabapentin in 2009 and found that it prevents the formation of new synapses in the brain. Gabapentin is a popular pain medication alternative for chronic pain management, and it is not a controlled substance. Doctors dont seem to know what my 6 mm x 5 mm hypothalamic lesion would cause. Some months are worse than others. You are on a high dose to me anyway! I pray so! But NOT everyone, so I hope I'm in that lucky group. Why would a neurologist tell me to go off suddenly and give me no warning? Good luck. One dose. I can't even watch tv because I can't catch up with what's going on! It has a short half life. Yes Pat, the memory issues may be the worst (well until something else throws me). I could no longer use my muscles the way I did, I stopped working out eventually and it made my life completely miserable.. 14Nevertheless, you have done well tosharewith mein my affliction. I would think at least the 300 mg would have been out of my system by now. Big mistake. Gabapentin mimics the actions of GABA, which is an inhibitory neurotransmitter. The medicine is not bad. Idiot drug.Wall Street owns our current medical model. It was the only new med I was on. I guess Im just wondering why you want to go off! Was at 300mg/3x per day total of 1800mg/day. My hands shake a bit but my mind is already alot clearer so it's worth it. I am seeing a psychiatrist, who is suggesting ssri, benzo to help bridge this time. About 2 1/2 years to get off completely, but with the carbamezapine to counteract, maybe as it gets down to the last 900 once a day, I might not have as many side effects (GOD willing). It helped a little --temporarily, with the anxiety. I have no energy and I feel like I'm losing my mind. I was at 2700 mg and am now down to 1000 mg. I believe the experience has taught me the hard way about patience, the importance of faith, and the importance of optimal physical strength for any given malody. All you have to do is find the right ones, and then you are good to go. Shingles is associated with terrible nerve pain that can be controlled by gabapentin. I had really shaky hands and was dropping and spilling things all over, precision movement was difficult, and I couldnt even write properly. The following experiences of people who went through this issue of Gabapentin ruined their lives are from two popular and legit sites: and; Alright, that is all for now. I kept a daily record because my mind was so foggy that I simply couldnt remember if I took it or not. I went thru fentanyl withdrawal quite a few times years ago. Good for you for seeing at therapist. The dose can be raised or lowered depending on the balance between side effects and pain relief. My face started flushing (multiple times per day for hours) during the taper. Gabapentin is an anticonvulsant medication that doctors prescribe as an epilepsy treatment to prevent partial seizures and nerve pain. Do you have any side effects from it?? Yes, a lot of it's very scary, but much of that we found out on our own. I will as soon as I can get to my PCP to let him know that I need his support to change my 300mg capsules to 100mg until I can get down to only 600 then we can change those to a lower dose so that I can keep reducing in 100mg increments. My concern is the opioid crisis in the U.S. Doctors often prescribe gabapentin to prevent epilepsy-related seizures and nerve pain. Gabapentin may cause other side effects. Why is Gabapentin (and by association, it's much stronger sister drug Lyrica) withdrawal brutal? What a horror this drug is. It is not an opioid. Gabapentin Withdrawl Support Group - Facebook Group. I am currently reducing my dosage to 2400mg. Needless to say, the symptoms can be dealt with, very easily and must not be ignored at the moment of emergence. they say it gets worse before it gets better for some people. Aw, maan.. I told him about the article, that i mentioned above. Gab has a short half life so it's normally prescribed as 3 times a day so there's a steady amount in your body. Why is it Cheaper to Use an Insurance Broker? I can identify with some of your withdrawal symptons, I was on 200 mg a day of Gabapentin for 14nths. I am now at 100 mg and having a horrible time. As far as how long this will last, I'm sorry to say, we don't know. There are some people for whom gabapentin has been a life saviour. 's for 10 years. Within 2 hours, I felt needles and electric shocks in my left arm. i hope you will get back to me this has been hell thanks. If you experience seizures, shortness of breath, or other serious symptoms, call 911 or seek medical attention immediately. I ended up in the ER as well and they told me nothing was wrong with me. I don't know what these facilities are like that help wean people off medications I'm afraid I'd probably be there very long time. It only took two consecutive 300 mg doses to damage my nervous system ten years ago. But it depends on your overall health, reaction to meds in general, the meds you're on, stresses in your life etc. I have panic attacks, anxiety attacks, depression, emotionally numb, none of which i ever had before. My mind & thoughts are not working right at all.. I am 4 weeks off, after a very long and horrendous 4 month taper. Hey JackieI too live alone and have a cat (and a dog). I have been on 3600mg of Gabapentin for 3 years since developing neuropathy in my legs, hip to toe. We will also give various authentic experiences of people who claimed that Gabapentin ruined their lives. January and February were REALLY bad but the last two have been a bit easier. I thought I could just stop taking it. It is impossible to predict how your body will react once it is exposed to this medication. The more common side effects of gabapentin may include the following: abnormal eye movements that are continuous, uncontrolled, back-and-forth, or rolling. I fear this widely prescribed drug will be prescribed more frequently. At first I referred to myself as 'a dumb blonde' (no offense intended), but then it wasn't funny any more. Since developing neuropathy in my past it works take crushes almonds ( skin included ) on some and/or. Still on the childs age and weight all over the world without first discussing it your. 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