swashbuckler 5e multiclass

Its very rare that youll be making an acrobatics check without presenting an idea to your DM. I recommend at least 5 levels for Extra Attack, which if you are two-weapon fighting as per the intent of the subclass, that gives you three attacks per round to land Sneak Attack. 8/12 will just open up much more powerful spellcaster options but do much less of that consistent sneak . You lose 1d6 from Sneak Attack, but garentee the +3 from Dex on the off-hand attackOnce per Short Rest you can gain an extra Attack Action for 1 attack for 1d6+3 but Sneak Attack only applies once a turn.If you're Battlemaster with Riposte you can possibly get more Sneak Attacks a round with your Battle Master ability per Short Restfor 4 chances for 1d6+3+1d8+3d6 (shortword+dex+superiority die+sneak attack)You don't want Parry, you want Riposte because you'll want to use Uncanny Dodge to half damage from an attack. When I mention a rogue, what comes to mind? On another note, I see a lot of people playing their swashbucklers as gunslingers. But I do see your point. The creature now views you as a friendly acquaintance and is under the full effects of being charmed. This is essentially a more exciting version of the soldier background, which connects you to an interesting life of the sell-sword. Halfling: The +2 DEX bonus, and Lucky make this an amazing choice for Swashbucklers. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. CON: More hitpoints and better CON saves make the Swashbuckler less squishy. Just hit Lvl 4, very tempted to get Magic Initiate as suggested. I'm aiming for Swashbuckler, and I'm having a blast so far. Speed, Elegance, and Charm. That's why we live and die by the sword, or swords if you so choose to go a more dual-wielding build. it's just a question of if your MC is . I have further clarified it to only consider the result of the first successful attack, the alternative is to roll all attacks and apply sneak attack to the better result. Hey guys I chose varient human and the sailor background. 10. Not to mention we gain a feature later on that gives us advantage on acrobatics and athletics checks. Let me know if you decide to build this character! The Rogue hits harder if only a single attack hits, but the Fighter has more opportunities to hit. Ability Scores: STR 10, DEX 16, CON 13, INT 8, WIS 12, CHA 16, Skill Proficiencies: Perception, Stealth, Acrobatics, Performance, Athletics, Intimidation, Persuasion, Sleight of Hand, Language Proficiencies: Common, Goblin, Thieves Cant, Tool Proficiencies: Thieves Tools, Disguise Kit, violin, Equipment:A rapier, a shortbow and quiver of 20 arrows, a burglars pack, leather armor, two daggers, and thieves tools, a whip (unusual but inexpensive weapon), a love letter, a costume, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp. Piercer / Slasher Both of these feats improve your attacking with the damage type associated, and allow you to increase your dexterity (or strength) by 1. You get to pick up Booming Blade, Eldritch Blast, and Hex, all of which are great spells for the swashbuckler. Plus, the rest of your features lean heavily towards close-combat, if youre looking for a charismatic gunslinger, just move on to a class or subclass that favors ranged weapons and work from there. Since martial adept only gives you one superiority die, Im going to take the same feat again. As a kid, I was often told to get my head out of the clouds and to stop living in a fantasy world. A couple of other honorable mentions are the Urban Bounty Hunter, Smuggler, Criminal, and City Watch backgrounds. General Tabletop Discussion . Draw your off-hand weapon and step forward 5 from in behind the barbarian to engage in melee That never really jived with me, so I decided to make a living out of games, stories, and all sorts of fantastical works. Let me start off by saying, Spiderman is a great example of a swashbuckler, although I should probably focus on an easier sell, like Inigo Montoya. Fighting Initiate Being able to choose a fighting style opens up a variety of different options for the swashbuckler from improving your AC to increasing your damage output. Pirate Proficiency in Athletics and Persuasion. This gives you a great way to make some money on the side and access to an unusual but inexpensive weapon (instead of a musical instrument since this is a variant of entertainer). 4. The only levels mentioned for the purpose of these builds are those when you will have the opportunity to make a decision on how your adventurer grows. Im curious about how to utilize Booming Blade best. The battle master gives us just about everything we would want from combat feats, and even more to really round out our combat experience. Were looking for a bonus to our dexterity and then to our charisma, a pairing that isnt incredibly common. Swashbucklers would certainly be the subclass to take both Deception and Persuasion if you were ever going to. The information presented on this site about Dungeons and Dragons, both literal and graphical, is copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast. Your email address will not be published. Which means you should get 5d6 sneak attack. So, this capacity must be there for use to cause an enemy to hit another enemy. If we increase these characters to Rogue 9 (A), Rogue 4/Fighter 5 (B) and Rogue 5/Fighter 4 (C) respectively, character (A) gains +1d6 sneak attack and the Panache ability, their total attack routine now generates a DPR of24.18. Normally, a rogue would already be at the top of the initiative, with an impressive dexterity modifier to add to their rolls. Is that something specific? As main damage dealer you have Dex as a primary, for AC, attack, and damage. Choose this only for a very specific build/plan. UPDATE: Swashbuckler Rogue/Monk multiclass? This is a super fun and super great ability. Even Captain America can be seen pulling off this sort of speech before a big fight so hes one on one with whatever dastardly villain is threatening the day. Pure Rogue vs Shadowbuckler or Drunkbuckler. I love your guide. Ready a move action so that when your barbarian dashes in, you follow them, but keep a 5 distance away from your enemy (i.e., right in behind your barbarian, but not in melee range) 3. I think the fighter multiclass also fits the theme well. Take a level 8 variant human character with an 18 Dex and the Dual Wielder feat for dual rapiers, a 60% to land a hit and all attacks qualify for sneak attack. Touch 4: The Art of Description. How do Rogues fare at higher levels in DnD in combat (as out of combat is underdeveloped in BG3)? Normally, I stay as far away from variant humans as I can, because I think theyre boring. While at first glance theres a nice spread of features as you level up, picking them up at 3rd, 9th, 13th, and 17th levels, this class can be very top-heavy. Absolutely, Fighter/Swashbuckler sounds like a fantastic combination! This means that for the level 8 character I present: Taking your simplified example of Dex16, dual short swords, no feats with a target AC of 16 (55% accuracy) we get: The results between the Rogue 8 and Rogue 3/Fighter 5 are more similar, but are still in the latter's favour. I was turned off of playing anything with warlocks for a while when I played one because their "eldritch blast" playstyle was pretty boring to me, but maybe that was just the encounter. Now were dealing extra damage just because weve got someone alone. Use the buttons below to fine tune the content you see in our guides. So lets talk about how your charisma turns you into a better rogue. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. What are your thoughts on finding a way to boost the Swashbucklers AC since they are most often in melee? Duelists and pirates typically belong to this archetype. Brawling goes very well with Rouge swashbuckling and sailor. 11. You focus your training on the art of the blade, relying on speed, elegance, and charm in equal parts. Sneak Attack: Refer to the 5e Rogue Guide, Thieves Cant: Refer to the 5e Rogue Guide, Cunning Action: Refer to the 5e Rogue Guide. Doesn't have to be a longsword. The Swashbuckler Rogue in particular meshes well with bard, as many of its abilities are tied to the character's Charisma score, the Bard's primary stat. This allows you to get around the battlefield with more ease than your average combatant and create more opportunity for sneak attacks. Just get a large mount and you are set. This build would prioritize charisma, and is probably the best route to go if you want to really work spellcasting into your build. With access to cantrips like Booming . The latter two features this subclass offers are great, but not necessarily capstone material. You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background: Choose two proficiencies that you have, either in skills or thieves tools. So make sail, dawn your feathered cap, and gear up as many one-liners as you need, this is going to be a great character for you. They have the ability to hide when only obscured by a creature that is one size larger than them (so medium or larger). Warlock (Hex Blade) Hex blade is going to allow us to cast some vicious spells and still focus on melee combat. So an multiclass away has to be worth it!Personally I think 5 lvls of Fighter is terrible for Rogue. Pardon me if this is a duplicate post please use this one . You now double your proficiency bonus for these ability checks. If they are hostile, they become locked in one on one combat with you. Well boost our dexterity up to 17, and gain some great abilities, including the ability to reroll our weapon damage once per turn. Thank you for this! Thank you for this great article! Fancy Footwork: Free disengages from enemies you have attacked will allow your swashbuckler to skirt around the battlefield and be extremely hard to pin down. So they have similar damage outputs, but it's a trade of offense vs defense. Depending on what you want to go for with your Swashbuckler I would say that all of the PHB fighter archetypes are excellent choices for supplementing a Swashbuckler depending on what you want to do. This kind of character will continue to boast, brag, quip etcetera, just like any of the dashing characters we see in film and other media. Should I start as another class, and then go swashbuckler? They have a 77.0% chance of the sneak attack being on a hit and a 7.0% chance of it being on a crit for an average of12.74 damage. The Swashbuckler Rogue is an unusual rogue subclass focused on both melee combat and high mobility. Rogues get the second most amount of ASIs/feats of any class, with 6 levels to choose ASIs for. Am looking at multiclassing a lvl 9 swashbuckler with 3 levels of monk. Spies, thieves, assassins, these are the archetypes that I picture whenever someone mentions a rogue, be it D&D or not. . Also I think its worth adding Half-Elf back into your race discussion, as a +2 to CHA and +1 to two other skills looks far more interesting for a sub-class ucsing CHA as an important secondary attribute. This sounds like a super fun build to play and RP . Booming blade is an action. 5/15 is probably optimal from a damage perspective, getting extra attack for more chances to sneak attack. This effect lasts for 1 minute, until one of your companions attacks the target or affects it with a spell, or until you and the target are more than 60 feet apart. Kinda wanna experiment with Swashbuckler/Eldritch Knight now that I'm thinking about it sounds really intriguing flavor-wise at the very least. We see crafty footwork, elite evasion, and plenty of panache being used to throw their opponents on edge. DPR factors in accuracy as well as potential damage on a hit. You just lost 2.5d6Sneak Attack damage every turn! All the lead up may be a slog for you as you wait for your good abilities to come online while your party members are much stronger every step of the way. Most campaigns arent going to bring you into the higher levels (past 14), so you wont always have to worry about this. A Swashbuckler is a flashy, showy, bombastic adventuring type, usually but not necessarily a swordsman. In D&D, this gives us a really exciting character to play. At first level your leather armour (nerfed to AC 11 in 5th edition) plus your Dex. Insight (WIS) Leave this for a party member with higher wisdom to focus on. Typically I move in, strike, and use Cunning Action to dash away. Not a lot of level 1 spells are worth it though. Swashbucklers are amazing at two things: mobility and single target damage. Now, you can also use this ability on non-hostile creatures. We can take 17 levels in rogue (getting our Master Duelist capstone feature) and 3 levels in fighter (enough to take the battle master subclass). I noticed on SB the best features are pretty much at 3 and everything else is sneak attack. Contact Us for more information.Copyright 2020 Arcane Eye. been thinking of making this combo. Im definitely taking the magic initiate Warlock spell list with the hex option an booming blade. On top of that, Darkvision, Fey Ancestry, and two skill proficiencies make Half-Elfs very appealing. Persuasion (CHA) Yes. This character would have Action Surge for an additional 2 attacks once per short rest (+10.65) and would have 4 superiority dice (d8) to use per short rest (+11.7) which could be spent on trip attack to grant advantage (+DPR) or use Riposte for an off turn attack (+12.80including sneak attack and the superioty die). For a Swashbuckler I would also recommend levels in Fighter in the case that you wish to multiclass. Get Vicious Mockery, or Faerie Fire, or Tasha's Hideous Laughter, and get advantage for sneak attacks. Finding a balance between single combat, and using an ally to generate sneak attacks will be very important. Swashbuckler if you want to move around and given your party composition. This is a great start for Swashbucklers. Until the time is right and she pulls her sword from her umbrella/parasol handle and strikes with a fury! Answer (1 of 23): When multi-classing, you should always look at what can you gain versus what you will lose, and at what levels, as well as (in my opinion) how/why does this fit into the character's story or character concept you're interested in. In dungeons & dragons Fighters are the masters of combat, versatile and tough, wielding all manner of weaponry and pushing the limits of physical ability through honed skill and diligent training. So we get really cool abilities out the gate, thats not necessarily a bad thing, right? Multiclassing can be a great way to optimize a build and make a truly custom character, unlocking storytelling options as well as new abilities. Instead, we have it built in! Role in the Party. Learn how your comment data is processed. I wound up picking Battle Master because the maneuvers add some extra utility (and oomph) to your attacks, especially if you're going for Two-Weapon-Fighting or using a Scimitar of Speed. On melee combat sneak attacks & # x27 ; s just a question of if your MC.! Two features this subclass offers are great, but the Fighter multiclass also fits the well! Go if you were ever going to being charmed theyre boring start as another class, an... Site about Dungeons and Dragons, both literal and graphical, is by. Dpr factors in accuracy as well as potential damage on a hit the best experience from this site taking Magic! As well as potential damage on a hit this is a flashy, swashbuckler 5e multiclass, bombastic adventuring,... 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