This website provides information, explains procedures, and makes available documents for anyone wishing to learn about and use Common Law. You can apply for a Queensland birth certificateor a replacement birth certificate or commemorative birth certificate packageif you or the person you are applying for were born or adopted (and registered) in Queensland. Service NSWcan also help you to replace certificates registered in other Australian states and territories or in New Zealand. This style is also available in pink. Perth Convention and Exhibition Centre, Esplanade, Perth (junction of Mill Street, Perth). Your certificate is an important document. How long do I have to wait to receive my certificate? This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Common Law Australia is functioning for entertainment purposes only. So when we areregistered at birth, thegovernment produces a corporation, astraw-man, by placing ourname in all capitals. Even names appearing on official licenses, such as those issued for marriage, appear in capital letters (ALL CAPS). The Victorian Aboriginal commemorative birth certificate brings together artwork by three of Victoria's leading indigenous female artists, Vicki Couzens, Lee Durroch and Treahna Hamm. Download this PDF to see if any individual have to pay tax and what assessible tax is. MR JOHN SMITH), these documents are not sent to you, the man or woman, but to the LEGAL FICTION, this is how the deception works.Try going to court as a man or a woman, simple you would think, but no. Visit this website to learn how we have been betrayed. This makes it easier for us to pay taxes, fines and court costs.The LEGAL FICTION was created without your knowledge, without full disclosure and unlawfully. Common law foundations. The Common Law Court has created an International database for all living men and women. Yes.And you are trying to get them to believe you are not the BC name?Come on!! We cannot provide a replacement certificate free of charge. And fits the picture of the incorporation of the commercial and financial community, even to the use of local charity group purchasing. The Common Law Court has created an International database for all living men and women. The reason we do this is so that you have complete control over your own data and can remove it at your leisure if you choose to do so. The vision is to create communities for the people by the people. Medical personnel attending the child's birth. Alternatively, there are other ways to prove your identity. I am choosing to do this as an aware and empowered living person. The vision is to create communities for the people by the people. Trespass Notice To All Persons And Entities Living, Corporate, Private Or Otherwise. old) $20 - Uncertified Birth copy of a Registration (births +100 yrs.) A birth registration statement must be lodged with the Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages ('the Registrar') within 60 days of the child's birth. Capitis Diminutio (meaning thediminishing of statusthrough the use of capitalization) In Roman law. The Australian Blue commemorative birth certificate incorporates beautiful calligraphy and Australian imagery of gumnuts and eucalyptus leaves. Further the birth certificate proves that you are the beneficiary. Common Law Court Passport Motor Insurance Cruinn Coin Sale The price for the Cruinn will be set against the gold standard and backed by gold, precious metals and tangible assets (1000 Cruinn buys one ounce of gold). Lat. This is human trafficking conducted by people within the government structure. This form must be submitted to the state, county or municipality by one of these persons or facilities: The newborn's parents. Only an official birth certificate can be used for identification purposes. The real truth comes with being honest with yourself and your goals. I am starting my quest to become sovereign, though I no longer reside in Australia. Common law in Australia is vested in our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 - It is the highest law of the land. (Note the use of Capital Letters). 2) possession of real property or use of a thing. At least two of these must be from Category 3. At the time of birth, each person is issued their own strawman, legally speaking. When ordering a certificate you will need to prove your identity. This occurred when a mans condition was changed from one of freedom to one of bondage, when he became a slave. It's often used to help establish a person's identity. Identity documents. Because The United Nation Orders was concealed from the people and the vote went contrary to the world government plan or program, all constitutions within Australia, State and Commonwealth were suspended on the same day, 6th November 1999. We are living souls who possess inalienable sovereign rights. To bring awareness, connection & direction to step into our natural human rights. On the 24th September 1999, all governments of the world, inclusive of Australia have been ordered to submit their government, people and resources into the central world government, the United Nations situated at Manhattan Island New York in the United States of America. We buy his book and then resell it here. Birth registration is required for a child to get a . By making YOU the collatoral for borrowing through the generation of a bond attached to your use of the BC name the borrowing, in fractional reserve banking terms, is unlimited. 1. Does an owner have to pay to use that which they hold ownership of? Yes.And you have a drivers licence in the BC name? I have just completed the registration. Common Law Australias intention is for a movement that is arising to reassert the divine purpose and its operation to restore every Man and Woman back to their natural and lawful being. Proof of change of name such as marriage certificate, if applicable. By submitting a declaration for your birth, you have confirmed that you exist. However the government have done just that; decieved you and your birth parents by registering your birth which has in turn tied you into these express trusts that I list above. His name is Joseph Gregory Hallett.He is an excellent researcher, and has some vital info that the world is not being told. It is like it is completely forgotten and you only have those 2 names. Our processing timeframes apply to correctly filled out applications that have been submitted with all the required proof of ID and supporting documents (as required). The STATE/GOVERNMENT are the Trustees. Hi Dawn, You are born live. For this the Commonwealth pays the costs (as your no longer under Usufruct) If you have not logged in before, you will be asked to provide some personal details so that you can control access to your data. Immediately you fill in any Records form you will receive a PDF certificate for immediate download by email. It swept away with it all rights of citizenship and all family rights. It explains the 5 simple steps we can take to create a better future: Click here or on the image to visit the website: How have the political parties destroyed our country? The following information has been offered as context to give a greater understanding to why and how our government began trading our birth certificates on the stock exchange. Within Australia and in particular at Werribee in Victoria, Julia Gillards former Labor seat of Lalor, all persons of any type of position or influence within Werribee have concealed the real fact in particular the organization known as Wyndham Ministers Network have known over a period of years that Julia Gillard, John Howard and others have been criminally charged and remain pending Grand Jury process in Victoria, but, have concealed this from the people of Werribee to enable the transfer of the people and land. Name and date of birth of the second parent (if applicable). The "Freeman on the Land" movement inherited various indefensible legal concepts from the older tax protester and sovereign citizen movements in the US such as Posse Comitatus in the 1970s and 1980s, the redemption movement in the 1980s and 1990s and the Montana Freemen in the 1990s. is a fee for getting the form signed and sealed. The oaths purportedly taken and administered by Quentin Bryce to purportedly swear in Kevin Rudd and others, under the fraudulent guise of Oath of Office are not the statutory constitutional oath of allegiance as required under section 42 and Schedule of the suspended constitution of the Commonwealth, they are in fact oaths of office to enable the undetected transfer of all Australians and the land of Australia into and under the United Nations. Commemorative birth certificate packages include an official birth certificate. YOU give it the action that creates the value. Please allow extra time for Australia Post to deliver your birth certificate to your address. . However, this cant be tracked and signing on delivery is only available in some countries. To bring awareness, connection & direction tostep into our natural human rights. Important: Do not laminate your certificates. But I have free right of travel on the kings highway, shouts John. Advance Australia proposes this Vision for the Future of our country. Service NSW can also help you to replace certificates registered in other Australian states and territories or in New Zealand. If you're eligible to apply and the person has been registered in NSW, toapply for a birth certificateyou must provide: You can also apply for a birth certificate by: If there are errors on the certificate you must: Processing of a birth certificate begins when we have received your complete and correct application. Standard postage is included in the price when you order a certificate to be sent by mail. Birth certificates show information relating to the person's birth, including the registered person's name and sex. If it's urgent, apply online then contact us. We'll ask you for the following information during the application process: You may be able to prove your identity online. The fees are non-refundable except as set out on our Refunds page. LIP is a very active discussion group, offering many files and documents to help you protect your Rights and Freedoms. This inherent gift endows all living souls with the inalienable right to establish self-governance and defend themselves against any tyranny or violence, including that inflicted by external authorities. A short certificate of birth, for a child born or adopted in England & Wales, is issued under section 33 of the Births and Deaths Registration Act 1953 , and is compiled according to regulation 65 of the Registration of Births and Deaths Regulations 1987 . Shops benefit in the form of the necessities you, the new baby, required. Yes. Am I eligible for an Australian Common Law live birth record. Basically every Royal member is fake. This legal notice lists the ACTS that are violated when someone requests your medical vaccine status and the QR code points to the Covid Medical Network. Terms of Service apply. We provide a free recording service. We provide educational materials, videos, and courses to help people learn and comprehend how common law works. And that applies to every commercial contract you have entered using the BC name. Currently, the only existing record for you is a legal fiction which the state has attached to you; this means that you fall under their rules. In fact, both the Certificate of Birth AND Social Security number, are for inventory control purposes, similar to the Amistad Schooners manifest or those numbers or records used bylegal entities or Corporationsto track, account for, use and dispose of inventory.]. You own the action and can gift the benefit of that action to whomever you want. You may be from the family of Smith but the document only records you as Robert James. Under the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666, IV 'If the supposed dead Man proves to be alive, then the Title is revested.' Particularly if you were under age when this agreement was created. The common law (court-made law) position on parentage followed the presumption of 'legitimacy' - where a child was conceived or born in wedlock, the mother's husband was deemed to be the father unless at the time of conception the spouses were subject to a separation order. Your passport. Once 12 or more people swear the Assembly Oath, that Assembly becomes a lawfully appointed Local Government of the people, for the people, by the people, with all the powers of a government to pass laws or by-laws to protect the community, to elect Sheriffs, to convene Common Law Courts with a Jury of 12, and even to raise a local militia to protect the community from attack. proof of your own identity (at least 3 documents). Non-urgent certificate applications (average processing timeno additional fee). We aim to get it to you as quickly as possible. In the State of Victoria on the 5th September 2000, because of the concealed United Nations Order, the oath of allegiance was removed from the Legal Practice Act 1996 by enactment of the act titled: Recently Julia Gillard stood down from the role and title of Prime Minister of Australia and was replaced within the Australian Labor Party by Kevin Rudd neither person disclosed to the people of Australia the fact that private prosecution charges that remain pending Grand Jury hearings within Victoria under section 354 Crimes Act 1958 Victoria are in position and remain concealed by politicians and judges to attempt to deceive the people of Australia into voting after the removal of both the Monarch and the Crown so that the human traffic in, To enable this human traffic trade to continue and to conceal the suspension of all constitutions within Australia every Secret Society and all Trade Union principles have been bound to silence , in particular all Oath/obligations taken by members of the Secret Society of Freemasons, contain the words , The former Governor General Michael Jeffery, a committed freemason and a decorated military man did swear in the current Governor General Quentin Bryce, a United Nations delegate, but, at all times both Governor Generals have concealed the United Nations September 1999 order from all Australians and have concealed the suspension of all constitutions and at the same time have concealed the removal of the statutory oath of allegiance and Crown of the United Kingdom from the people and electors of Australia so that the transfer/traffic of all of the land and people of Australia could transfer to the United Nations undetected, inclusive of all of monetary value accumulated in and by the. So if the land & house are;1. If the birth or adoption was registered in NSW you can apply for a copy of: You can also apply for the birth certificate of another person if you fall into one of these 4 categories. Once signing this charter, you will also gain access to other declarations that further declare your right standing. We instructed the Commonwealth to gather ALL the interests in the BC name, that WE generated, attach those interests to the RLB name and then we gifted the RLB to the Commonwealth. It starts at a base amount at the point the BC is issued & securitized, has interest attached calculated yearly, matures in 30 years. This is a very important concept to understand because by understanding it you will understand how the government and the global cabal have systematically planned and conspired to . Get married in the registry office. Different rates of interest, but of great value on the futures market. Kenya was part of the British Empire in 1961, and as such, used English Common Law for any type of records and registration. Reinforce our commitment to the inclusion of all communities. Im glad you get peace of mind from this but I dont see why. If you are suffering financial hardship and have an immediate need for a certificate, you may be able to have your application fee waived. : date, place, parents).Adapted from Legal Aid Queensland's Dictionary. The first step is to declare your right standing in Common Law is by She was fathered by Winston Churchill, a Rothschild, as was her sister. If you leave one with a business, arrange to go back with the Business Owner NEED TO KNOW or MYTH VERSUS FACT info packs. will be talk about common law, about Admiralty Law, and about oaths of office. Birth Certificate in the Legal Dictionary Find a [] Rate this post Related posts: Birth Parent Generally this will lead to a mistaken and unproductive life. Before you can get a birth certificate, the birth needs to be registered in Victoria. You guessed it. It will apply to every common law country that has a system of birth registration. So you have the possibility of 3 sets of names.1. Failure to register your child's birth after 12 months has elapsed can result in a fine of up to 200. Reply. *Costs may be higher from mobile phones and interstate. When using a birth certificate as a form of ID in the USI registry system, please be aware that: state refers to the state or territory in which the birth was registered. Processing times When you apply for a certificate or registration, we email you details of documents you need to provide. How do I destroy my legal fiction? It features exquisitely detailed Victorian birds with a description. You can apply for a commemorative birth certificate when you order a legal birth certificate or when you register the birth. What? If this has worked, you no longer get rates bills? 1: Two Universes in the One Country. RLB (Record of Live Birth) to record the time, date and circumstances of the event. An Explanation why there are Two Birthing Certificates, Two Worlds, Two Systems, Debtor and Creditor. Closed adoption is where an adopted child's original birth certificate is sealed forever and an amended birth certificate issued that establishes the child's new identity and relationship with their . They apply once we receive applications submitted by post or in person at a Queensland Magistrates Court or QGAP office. However, common law courts have power to provide significant protection of human rights principles including the rule of law, except where legislation specifically overrides this power. Certificate package for newborns only (Legal with Commemorative). The law was passed by the Philippine Congress in December 2018 and signed into law by President Duterte on February 21, 2019. Perhaps the answer is to prove the contract wasnt in your interests and blame your parents for agreeing to it. MR JOHN SMITH). Get an overview of the steps for getting a birth certificate. bond / birth certificate. At the time it was taken for granted that the child would use the fathers surname. Now you may dispute that strongly, so lets move on. It's printed in soft, harmonious shades and highlighted with gold. Apply for a birth certificate. We no longer use the BC name in Usufruct, instead we are the executors for the estate held in the RLB. If you're applying for someone else's certificate, you also need to prove that you're authorised to do so. Optus data breach - South Australian certificates. Emphasis added too]. Carers of children under a Childrens Court order: Find out how to get the birth certificate of a child protection client. Certificates are delivered by registered post. If a father was not on the birth certificate, the child would use the mothers surname. In fact, I would guess in actual terms of change, nothing has occured at all. As to the benefits, we shall see. Many thanks. A . Shutterstock Explainer: why removing sex from. And YOU cant complain because YOU are using what does not belong to you in those actions. return the original certificate to us by post, provide 3 proof of identity documents and. David Wynn Miller (1949 - 2018), also styled :David-Wynn: Miller or David-Wynn: Miller, was an American tool and die welder, pseudolegal theorist, and leader of a tax protester group within the sovereign citizen movement. But who owns the BC name? Copyright 2017~2023 CLC. Register your intention to marry. Find a JP. Commemorative birth certificates are decorative mementos of the birth of your child. They do the same to their parents or the Commonwealth if they moved to Australia and were forced to agree to this as part of citizenship. See Get someone else's birth certificate. Order a legal certificate and commemorative certificates together. Presumptions of parentage under the Family Law Act It is international by nature. Get a birth certificate Register a birth Naming your child Donor-conceived births Stillbirth and pregnancy loss Adoptions Marriages and relationships Marriages and relationships Getting married in Victoria Victorian Marriage Registry Overseas marriages Get a marriage certificate Register a domestic relationship Revoke a relationship This is avoluntary app. Clearly the BC name does. Nor do we make any of it public, or provide it to any third party, without the express permission of those who record their information here. Birth, Marriage or Change of Name certificates that have been destroyed due to a natural disastercan be reissued at no charge at yournearest Service NSW centre or call 13 77 88 for more information. Your rating will help us improve the website. It features exquisitely detailed Victorian animals and is accompanied by a description of each animal on the certificate. By visiting and entering this website or any of its entertainment libraries in any way you hereby agree that you entered into a domain subject to the terms of Common Law Australia, and that as a consumer of this entertainment, you agree to do your own research. This is why, taking control of your strawman . Changing your name after marriage, separation or divorce, Birth registration and birth certificates, Request a visit from the Aboriginal Outreach Team, Identifying as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander, Strong identity, strong spirit program resources, information for young people on getting a birth certificate, get the birth certificate of a child protection client, Learn more about our AFL commemorative birth certificates, Learn more about our Chinese zodiac commemorative birth certificates, Learn more about our rainbow commemorative birth certificate. What is the Bradbury Pound? It is a permanent and official record of a child's existence, and provides legal recognition of that child's identity. select the green checkout button to continue, by post to Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages, PO Box 15188, CITY EASTQLD 4002. A name which does not belong to you in fact,3. The NSW government's digital birth certificate (DBC) will be trialled by Vision Australia and selected early childhood education centres, according to minister for customer service and digital government, Victor Dominello. Standard birth and Commemorative certificate. The Afghan cabinet's legal affairs committee said the move was a significant achievement. Is that you? That which you are called,2. Your birth certificate is an important document that you can use as part of your proof of identity. A birth certificate can refer to either an original document or a certified copy issued by an Australian State or Territory. The 'registered person' means the person to whom the information or certificate relates. If you are able to access this site please let me know. This style also comes in fauna. Click on the image to join the Live in Private (LIP) Telegram group, This website is operated under and in accordance with the Crimes Act 1914, s.13 and 15F. Your Consent is ALWAYS required Carry these docs with you and if ever confronted by Police or other persons thinking they have authority over you. So YOU, driving a car owned by the BC name, using a licence in the BC name, get a fine (in the BC name) and have the usufructory responsibility of paying it. Government! Each certificate is printed on archival quality paper and fits a standard frame size of 280mm x 355mm (11" x 14"). I was born overseas. All it takes is another commercial action being generated, then another, then another.. And I believe those commercial transactions must be generated through the massive corporations, so to my way of thinking, encouraging everyone to use a card to purchase, fits the picture of linking your commercial actions using the BC name, straight back through the bank account, to the share market securitization of the new purchase or payment. General Maddox | Law Foundation Law Oration 2014 on 21 May 2014 in the Banco Court of the Supreme Court of Victoria. The processing time does not include delivery, please see Australia Post website for current delivery times within Australia or International. In Australia, our supreme common law is the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901. It affirms both that the child was born and that it was a live birth. It is new territory we have entered, so even he himself is coming to terms with all this. But why I hear you ask? A diminishing or abridgment of personality; alossor curtailment of amans statusor aggregate of legal attributes and qualifications. The BC documents the full title John William Smith, usually written as SMITH or JOHN WILLIAM SMITH. 3. Provided by Department of Justice > The Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages Contact Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages Address: Level 10, 141 St Georges Terrace PERTH, WESTERN AUSTRALIA 6000, AUSTRALIA PO Box 7720, Cloisters Square The maximum penalty for not doing so is $1,250. Birth certificates; Marriage certificate; Proof of dissolution of previous marriage or death certificate of former partner (if applicable) Four photos (4x6cm) of the couple. The new law also provides for a streamlined adoption procedure to rectify the status and filiation of a child whose birth was simulated, provided that applicable requirements are met. 4-8 weeks BDM sends legal name change certificate to successful applicants. However, people often write their names using a combination of lowercase and capital letters, which is, legally speaking, a separate entity. The method, by which the State causes a natural person to volunteer himself into slavery, is through forming legaljoinder, implied or stated, with the entity or legal fiction (name all CAPS)., Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window), Commonwealth Custodian Workshops/Zoom Timetable, Road Map to Reclaiming and Restoring The Commonwealth of Australia,,, What the Corporate Government dont want you to know, Doorway to the Divine Self Hooponopono Prayer. It can be difficult for Australian and other foreign nationals without Indonesian language skills to liaise with the Civil Registry Office and religious celebrants. It has 3 pages. We make sure your certificates leave our office in good condition. If you were born or adopted outside of Queensland, contact the registering authority interstate or overseas to get your certificate. Any authority that rules unjustly or arbitrarily, without the free and uncoerced living souls consent, has lost its right to rule and can be lawfully overthrown. This style also comes in birds. Note: Our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901 is our supreme common law. The fees for applying for a birth certificate: $53 - Certified Birth Certificate; $63 - Commemorative Birth Certificate; $36 - Reduced Fee Birth Certificate (+75 yrs. Going back to the law of the land, do no harm and cause no loss, If you are like a lot of people you can simply overlook this. Print out the first two pages on the front and back of a piece of A4 card (available from Office Works). How satisfied are you with your experience today? For something more special, you can choose from our range of designs and purchase a commemorative certificate to frame as a gift or keep for yourself. Due to the UK, Canada and the US beingbankrupt countries, yes all these countries have been bankrupt for some time now; they all have currencies that are known asFIAT currency. You can die.2. You must provide a least 3 forms of current identity, one of each from Categories 1, 2 and 3. Enter your email address to follow Real News Australia and receive notifications of new posts by email. RLB (Record of Live Birth) to record the time, date and circumstances of the event.2. At the present, it appears to belong to the Austalian Government, who use that future return to borrow heavily. What name do you use? a debit or credit card to pay for the certificate. There is no charge for recording any information with the Common Law Court. 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