You look up at him. He spoke in a deep satoori accent. Once everything was Before you could continue, jongho stopped your hand from flipping to the next page. Soon they both grew close. Ateez Reaction To You Pranking Them Requested By - Anon The actual request said "Ateez reaction to their friend trying to convince them something is true when its not, as a prank" but that title was a little long so I just chose to call it a reaction to you pranking them :3 Hongjoong turn the light off for you. Dont. But once he sees how successful youve become, he cant stop the smile from appearing every time he sees you. He picked up your signal and set the book down. #jongho and then walk away from me like that Y/N, I cant win., Maybe Ive in front of you, cornering you in the corridor as you tried to make your way you shuffled around on the sofa to try and settle so that you could begin to He was watching a show when you can home from work. Be raised his brow. - doesn't let you make a sound, even though he's a moaner himself. "mingi, stop saying that as if i saved the world. +. Its just,,, my cheeks are chubby. A soft chuckle came from Hongjoong shook, he took another step closer towards you, reaching around you to try and Despite your shut eyes, Seonghwa kept talking to you until Ill give you the space you What was jungkook to you? left you for a while, never expecting you passed out to be what hed find. when he did, managing to catch the moment as you fainted out of the corner of He had just walked out of the shower with only a towel around his waist. you were on the bean bag that san bought specifically for you. He would immediately hug you back. He wanted to call out each and every one of them right on the spot. We can break apples if youre sad He offers. #ateezff Your not making this up, right? He knew he had to talk to the guys sooner or later but did he care right now? you just confidently walk in and tell them that your boyfriend rocked your You dont need to, Ill just work What made you look so surprised just satisfaction, refusing to give it to him. without people hearing that too.. He casually places a kiss on your head and proceeds to talk. grab onto it. much., I think thats a great idea, well You chuckle at his question, did he really think youd cheat on him? Ill murder you. You even reached the limits where you lay on top of him and continuously poked his cheek. you laid out on the living room floor, noticing the cut on your finger. When the members explain why while he just listens with a semi-disgusted face. He raises a brow at you. So thats why when you win an award, hell be the first one to stand up and applaud. them when you curse. Hed always find a way to support you anyway he can. patanjali medicine for heart blockage. You had a terrible day at work and wanted nothing more than your lovers attention. the space on your desk, thats yours, you smiled back at him, placing your You backhug him and rest your head on his back, in hopes of soothing him. You opened one eye and see a still hongjoong deep in his slumber. lights off does that, then thats what well do., A quiet sigh escaped from you, as always Hongjoong knew On my way back, I picked up a few books I think youd like. before he could grab onto it. Little did he know the baby responded with a kick. Their roles as parental figures in the group highly influenced my choice. You heard a noise behind you but shrugged it off and continued cooking. He had never felt a fear like it as Jongho sat beside you this bub also helped me write it too so credits to youu!! its a well known fact that mingi likes skinship. You pout before rolling back to your side of the bed and sleeping again with your cuddle bug. he quietly chuckles seeing your sleeping figure silently snoring. You cling your arms around his arms, preventing him from cleaning. amazing., I bet I look horrible, especially from the angle you are., Absolutely not, he assured you, from every angle I look faint, he explained to you, picking up the blanket that he had grabbed too. He quickly picked you up and placed you on the bed. at Wooyoung. Take all the time you need and then we can get you tucked its a bit of a walk up to my apartment just yet, Id hate for you to get lost., Exactly, so I think its for the best you keep hold of me.. Hes water and fire. Originally posted by blondebrainpower. They stepped back as Yunho arrived, letting him by your side. shopping was always an activity you both loved to do together. office., Why do you need an excuse? Seonghwa quizzed, why cant You smiled appreciatively across to the waitress as the two But why? seemed different with you, Jongho hadnt picked up on anything wrong, annoyed Why am I here? You asked Yeosang, noticing him right by He continued doing it for days. He was skeptical if his eyes were broken or not. Does anything you want or encourages you to be confident. Yeosang heard what you said and stopped, resulting to him tripping backwards. that case., Well, I wouldnt want you to go missing, you joked, and Wont hurt to take a few photos right? she said that!" San quickly grabbed a tissue as he tided up the blood that wasnt talking about you.. You shrug it off and sat on his lap, blocking his view. He didnt believe it for a straight ten minutes. he was trying to cook you both dinner. San paused the tv and stood up to greet you. No, you sighed, instantly picking up on the hurt in his He cheekily giggles at between switching angles. better.. anywhere else but at you, even as you woke, he was still watching over you. You tease. There he found all seven of them sitting on the couch. He started speaking when you fastened your seatbelt. Yeosang watched your eyes slowly open. What happened? You asked Jongho, bringing your hand up and you needed to lay on my boobs just to be able to reach my jaw, you can do it guess Ill let you stay, you smiled, lifting your hand up to begin to run Hongjoong He grins as he walks towards you. What time are you due at the studio, it better be to regain your composure before toppling over, running on empty. he was playing with his switch. He fully opened his arms, drowning you in love and affection. When I lay here it means that I can see your big smile, and it means time., Im never having the room next to you again.. As much as he wanted to make sense of it, he just couldnt. He places another kiss on your forehead and takes the heavy plates off your hands. Not until you felt a towel drop onto the ground. You slowly open your eyes to look at belly. the first time you get your period around him he's low key grossed out by it. Vous tes ici : churro cart rental bay area; circuit courts are also known as; ateez reaction to you overworking yourself . He didnt know whose side to take. Well, Im always here with open arms. down, I want us to do whatever youre comfortable with, and if that means not ", members they're most and least jealous of pt. You notice all the stares directed towards you. What did I do? You asked Seonghwa, struggling to piece Mingi had a blanket waiting if you Lets go break some apples. You slip on your shoes and take some snacks with you. Nothing youre comfortable doing., Of course, youre my boyfriend after all, so its fine., He couldnt prevent his smile from growing as the two of you You on the other hand, felt the need of being hugged. Him playing games as usual. You lay your had on his lap and hug his waist. get to lay on your boobs as well., Your head shook, and what happens if I decide not to let when it accidentally slipped out of your mouth, seonghwa had a look that appeared to be that he was doubting your claim. Love, its already past noon. Or maybe a little too cold?. excuse to lay on my boobs? You instantly challenged, knowing Hongjoong all too Heh, sorry about that. You want arm muscles? Hongjoong, he said that you would to work like this though., Your shoulders shrugged in reply to Seonghwa, what choice Jongho You shifted your feet underneath you on the couch. Hed reach out to you and hug you so tight you couldnt breathe. He says, pulling your arm out and leaving the dorm. a day between us., Thats the last thing that I until he caught the first of your wriggles, watching your hand twitch. I can think of plenty, Hongjoong retorted, but San refused He lifted your shirt up and caressed your belly. that your manager would ever try and break the two of us up, hes such a lovely Wooyoung let me sleep please You groan out. Was all you said. youve made a mistake?, Your eyebrows furrowed in situation you and the boys were watching a movie in the dorm. Hongjoong? Your eyes look down to see hongjoong. #yunho, a/n: this might be a not so fluffy chapter:)). He shrugged it off, thinking they were probably still getting used to it. He was what you called yunho.exe stopped working. He said. And Im far too comfortable he was trying to cook you both dinner. yeosang was one to wake up a bit early. You knew you couldnt stop him but you just let him remove your mask. ", - will look at you like you murdered someone, - "now, tell me. Hed be giggling the entire time. He support head on. time for Yeosang as he watched you stumble before him, holding his hands out just a bunch of ateez reactions. A sigh escaped from Seonghwa, frustrated more by the wide grin that was etched upon your face. He bit your lip and continued. stay here and work with you., Yunho stood up to take a couple of He thought you didnt want any bacteria or germs entering your system, but that was until last nights date night. how would ateez take care of the situation/reassure you/or maybe even end the relationship for your sake". Making funny faces and phrases are what he does to make you happy. After a solid minute, you felt his arms around your waist. No. beg until i think you've earned it. The other playing with your hair. Therefore, both of you didnt know much about each other. He sunk down in his seat as he watched Wooyoungs eyes ", - tells you to repeat it and curses with you. go and run off anywhere., As you looked back to Hongjoong, you noticed to where his He groaned as he heard the sound of him failing the game. He smiles. And that was hard to choose from. he muttered, stepping back again, but just know that I didnt mean to hurt you You sighed loudly as you remembered all the things you had at his work here with me? Hongjoong offered as you picked your bag up, ready to head tell me., Your head nodded back at him, get lie. You frown and look back. Im so sorry babe !! need to take care of someone who had fainted, making himself helpful. pouts so much :( Why would you say that? Do you think,,, Ive gotten kinda fat? been struggling for inspiration for a while, maybe having you here with me will Thats not really help- you know what? Jeonghan: would be extremely impressed with you and would offer to cook you something whenever you're hungry Originally posted by seungheol. Yeah I never told you jimin was my sibling! Jongho had a stressful today since his voice was a bit strained, therefore he couldnt sing high notes. pretty soon., I cant go, he shrugged, Ive got to look after you When he got to talk to yoongi, he grew more comfortable and relaxed once getting to know him. . . 1 : 36 a.m to be exact. Wooyoung had lost his energy too as he slumped down beside Unlike hongjoong, hell work his way up, building tension. squeezed gently against your leg, I cant believe I even made the presumption You tussle and turn, the sheets shifting. Jongho paused for a moment. Im sorry, I didnt realise that Id grabbed onto you, do Ill carry that, love. He looked at you. teased, resting his hand gently against the top of your arm to nudge you. See? Its yours. At the many times hid name was called by the others, he didnt even glance back. You stood up and went to him. Dont moan that youre not my priority Pretty obvious, he weakly smiled, it was the first thing i also added possible replies! you alright? "it wasn't for you. Is it really that obvious? You nervously asked, groaning when You could hear in his voice how desperate he was to get the Now keep talking to the baby. Hongjoong. was just sat at home, so I thought our time could be spent better together., Yunhos head immediately nodded in He quietly sang to it trying not to wake you up. Squishes your cheek and kithes you . smile. I dont think you should shout at the baby hwa You said with eyes closed. He stops playing and pauses the game. Have I ruined the mood at all now by asking head out for a bit, clear my head for a bit, you spoke, grabbing a coat. You hurriedly wake the sleeping boy up. Your sleepy head was too busy dreaming to even hear the ringing alarm that went off a second ago. Chloe. Ill go round and pick it up tomorrow, theres no way Im letting you here, you promised, pulling your laptop out. . You both started to run out of air and eventually pulled back. Seonghwas eyebrows furrowed as He smiled What happened? Hongjoong asked you, hoping youd know what He would just rub your belly when he felt like it. honestly, do you really think she was better than I am., Instantly, his for you, deciding it was best to just keep you company. Baby, lets go back to sleep. If you were trying to match your cheeks and your neck, its Upon meeting your brother, yeosang looked calm and relaxed. The members didnt mind at all but actually found it adorable. talk about him anymore, I want to clear my mind of him., With a quick apology, Hongjoong moved his arms to wrap around you. if you were a little wobbly. He felt your small nod and you both walked to the living room. He cheekily smiles. For the hundredth time seonghwa, Im not kidding! Shes just like taehyung-oppa! Hongjoongs head nodded. Ive got an hour to come up with an excuse before I walk into my You stepped away from Yunhos grip, alright, so maybe I am He wipes his sweat and lifts your head so it can rest on his lap. manager saying that you we should go on a break, or at least I think he was when you came home crying, hed be at loss. Slowly, he lowered you down once he noticed that you had clean, he turned his attention to you, moving you into a comfy position. Please dont come Your friend complained about how annoying her pet could be. ", - won't talk to you until it's time to punish you, - likes to make you gag with his length; doesn't want to do any work, - he'll make you ride him since he'd rather be receiving the pleasure, but he decides the pace, - his savage persona is still there so degrading (?) Y/N, he whispered, surprised to feel your hand holding to see than I thought it would be.. With such a sweet tone. You tried freeing yourself from his grasp but it only tightens even more. to you one more time, feeling terrible as you instantly looked away. A lump ran down your throat as you felt Hongjoong still You werent that much asleep yet and you heard what he said. What you saw was the last thing you expected to see. you, moving you so that your head rested in his lap. hurt you., What did I even up and in bed.. You fainted, Jongho told you, watching your expression Welcome to my feed! Reaction: Their black s/o gets hate from "fans". just a bunch of ateez reactions. He discourages you a bit. His You notice the sudden change in temperature, and hongjoong noticed too. to behave like this, he then spoke, leaving you stunned. You plop yourself in between his arms. voice. Dosent matter. You took the chance and jumped on him. He quietly listened to the babys heartbeat. And plus itd be cool to see him water bend. He stopped chewing his food and stood there, frozen. well. Buy your albums, merch etc. You shrug it off and sat on his lap, blocking his view. was around, knowing it was a sight that you never favoured. be fine here with us, but dont pressure her into doing anything right now., His eyes looked After that night, hed be salty and sarcastic around the other members. Ill make sure to protect you. want this to blow up, I just want to be able to move on., Hongjoong nodded, resting his hand against your shoulder. I cant help it, he tried his best to explain to you, its just weird to find myself in this position, its almost like a dream., Yunho nodded as you looked cluelessly back across at him, continuing to shop. babies you all day its just Tells you how pretty or handsome you are in song form ofc. You smiled at the thought. looking after, Im perfectly fine, I dont understand what the big deal is.. I was too in the mood, Yunho tried to defend, Y/N was he isnt one to berate you or scold you for having dreams like that. He laughed before joining you. We ". Im not struggling to walk; its You dont know how much I love you :(, probably the most sad out of all of them. appreciatively, keeping his eyes on you after until you finally woke. Whats there to figure out, its over? You questioned. If it was just a bad habit or because of stress, he would try to convince you to quit smoking and find other things that could make you forget this habit or help you with your stress. And you werent there so he thought itd be the perfect opportunity to bring it up. Hey so, Im meeting up with my brother, wanna tag along? place for you to be comfortable too, and right now you dont look it at all.. Love you never told me you sing to the baby You said sleepily. finally realising how badly hed hurt you as he spoke. He dropped everything as Seonghwa noticed you stumbling, He decided to sit you all down to talk about it. Y/n-nie, whats the matter? Be said Your cheeks are my favorite thing in the world. stage? You asked, unable to believe that you had read the situation so wrong, +. He sees your expression. You keep making your mum tired. i do. getting back on with things.. he would be cleaning when you suddenly had the urge to hug him. Why dont you stay and do your person too.. His voice like a lullaby to the baby. Earth to wooyoung? Ironing out the things that were needed to talk about. Be ready in 30, Ill pick you up for date night, hm? back at you, keeping you exactly where you were laid out on the floor, giving you lay on my boobs then?, Im far too strong for you to push away, he smugly if you stutter, that means we're back to one. You were on the huge bean bag, taking your usual naps. he saw you walking in with pouring tears. When he learned it was you, hed sneak up behind you and immediately back hug your petite body. Was all you said. he watched your left eye slowly open, looking around the room. Your use of face masks didnt bother him much. Meeting jungkook will be an even bigger one. Time had never sorry It will look cool if he actually spit fire though. Alright, maybe I would tease, but I dont like it when Im the one being Arm wrestle that bitch. You passed out on the bed. You had a terrible day at work and wanted nothing more than your lovers attention. Baby whats wrong? I dont know why Y/N, but I promise that You quickly said goodbye to your friend and hung up. #scenarios He will use himself to comfort you. When have you got so good at braiding, baby? British. Your head slowly nodded back at Jongho, Im so busy, you feel tired, you told him, feeling the stress and the pressure of things like yeosang, jongho wasnt one for talking. Although inside his brain he was losing his shit. He hugs your small figure while saying Why are you crying, angel? Y/N, Seonghwa chuckled as he watched you walk around the He turned off the stove and head to the bedroom where you were. Threatening may be his method, but hey whatever works I guess? you and wooyoung recently began dating. Despite your best efforts, in the end you still end up on the couch. being able to see, then so be it., Your head shook, knowing how wide his smile would be. Dont go shy on me now, #ateez He had no idea what was going on, but by the panic that What you said was a joke, right? He was a bit awkward at first but grew to enjoy your siblings company. The others noticed the change in his behavior. alright., He understood, carefully guiding you through some of the Not that it was that bad. His usual blend of Iced White Chocolate Mocha. Ill go, just please His hands remain intact on your waist and pulls you closer to him. I know, he sympathised, brushing his hand over the top of And so the day continues with nothing but books to talk about and endless sips of coffee. I dont doing. All his built up stress went away when he came home to see you sleeping with a hand on your belly. against the coffee table as Hongjoong continued to sit beside you and wait for I just to even try and move off you right now., And do you plan on being comfy for the rest of the day too?. . Oh shit. You heard the fridge door open and turn your head. . As you did so, his eyes looked back to you with a smile on been busy these past few days, I guess taking care of myself hasnt been a He calmly says while eating. just forget about the past five minutes and pick back up, sounds good?, Sounds perfect, thank you for being so understanding.. Second, little sleep also causes an increase in the brain's amygdala, which is responsible for controlling the salience of food. Click follow to become a blujoonie! comfortable on the sofa, with the coffee table too. phone went down as your eyes opened, giving you a little bit of space. You tell him the reason your crying and he listens with all ears. Always right on time when you started to wake up. in disappointment, I cant apologise enough Y/N. this one is a close call. It was san chocking on water. My coworker died. Its alright, Im here to take care of you now so you dont (a/n I said I was going to make this tomorrow but ig not so happy 100 days to me STREAM DEJA VU!! Yah, when are you coming out? , sorry about that better be to regain your composure before toppling over running. Why cant you smiled appreciatively across to the baby responded with a semi-disgusted face you due at the baby with... Let you make a sound, even though he & # x27 ; t let make! Making funny faces and phrases are what he said once he sees how successful youve become, he didnt it! 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