Im interested to see if people who had this also get coronavirus. Anyway if cover-19 was going around USA in December, why weren't there more deaths? Sleep. and no, having cold doesn't give you immunity to anything but that cold. We wouldn't know, because of course, they would not have posted here again. I wonder if they could or should do a test to see if indeed we had this or not? People travel. Little did I know when I posted this back in December, that we would be dealing with the Coronavirus, four months later. Those at high risk, such as the elderly, should ensure they are vaccinated each year. Detecting those conditions in their beginning stages allows people to receive treatments like Paxlovid for Covid and Tamiflu for influenza to prevent serious complications down the line like hospitalization, she adds. When it finally loosens up I usually have a sore throat and then the congestion starts. Early Tuesday morning, I woke up in a huge body sweat, indicating the fever had broken. The co-worker (we did not really work together, just in the store) was hit harder, and out for about 2 weeks. The reason I don't think it was the Rona though is I managed not to get anyone else sick, even though I was coughing the entire time. No one in either of our households got sick, though everyone else had much more limited cat contact. I knew someone who had this and it turned out to be rabies. Stop telling people to do stupid things. I'm r138 and wanted to share some interesting news I just watched on tv : they tested blood samples from people admitted in the ICU for severe pneumonia in late December in my country (France) and one of them was positive for Covid19 (December 27). wheezing. Masks continue to be an important tool for stopping the spread of respiratory viruses, such as COVID-19. Did any of you who got a flu shot still get this cold? I'm coughing, but there's no congestion. Or the flu? [quote] I came down with it the week before Thanksgiving, with strep throat on top of it. They drastically reduced expenses, and staph got out of control. Hacking cough, unlike whooping cough, cannot be treated with antibiotics or other medicine as it is likely to be a residual symptom of other conditions, health officials told The Independent. The fact is that health officials expect to see a rise in COVID-19 . It felt very targeted, if that makes any sense. The cough is inherent to the virus but is partially triggered by the non stop post nasal drip down your throat. 56 is relatively young to die of the flu. Hospitals across the country have reported a surge in cases of RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, a common virus that causes lung infections. Gosh I bet R68 is a real blast at parties. At night I used a heating pad on my chest to break it up. Wow, I don't know if I posted on this thread when it was new, but I got sick the Monday before Thanksgiving and stayed sick until the middle of January with something that was like a cross between a cold, the flu, pneumonia, or something else. Distinguishing COVID from flu can be difficult because the symptoms overlap so much, explains Dr. Brooke Bozick, an NIH expert on respiratory diseases that affect the lungs. "We were expecting to have a terrible cold season because last year . I don't think it's the flu. And were not allergic to the cat; Id cat-sit her before with no reaction, & my sisters cold went away eventually. The UK as a whole has been classified as severe risk but there are regional fluctuations, with the North East, South East and East Anglia the worst hit. Ive had it since Christmas too, right after I came home from abroad. Please acknowledge NIH News in Health as the source and send us a copy. Flu vanished. Clin Infect Dis. I'm hoping it's just bad allergies (we already have pollen all over our cars in Atlanta). But be prepared for a long time sitting up. There is no effective vaccine to prevent colds, unlike flu. I was worried I was losing my mind because I didn't even want to go out for a walk. The whole country is a fucking VIRUS and a filthy shit hole. According to BBC Good Food, cooking bones with joint tissue on them (like necks, knuckles, ribs or the leftover carcass from a roasted chicken) can help the body repair and rebuild connective tissues, while reducing inflammation. Lasted for weeks and weeks. Experts are concerned that flu and COVID-19 cases may increase and overlap in the winter. Those are the only people that want to go to most places. Oh well, I guess 1-3 days of this is better than getting this heinous flu going around. In fact, I was one of the early posters and followers of this thread. A person with COVID-19 typically shows symptoms about 5 days after infection, although this can range from 2 to 14 days. Many cold and flu medicines are flavoured with honey and lemon, and theres good reason for this too. I honestly thought I had pneumonia. The claim made here was that chicken soup has been proved to cure colds and related illnesses. Sleep with your head elevated. Vaccine. Yes, only about 7 years ago this stuff was sold by Walmart for 88. But no fever, aches & pains, or physical weakness so I'm confident it wasn't influenza or coronavirus. The 2021-2022 flu season has been mild, the CDC says, but it has come in two waves, with the second wave lingering longer than previous ones. Take a look at Lots of people coughing and sneezing, and they also have sore throats. Recently, I've had a lingering sore throat, tiredness, weakness, and lots of mucus. I had stumbled upon this thread, and this mystery east coast thing was going on. Some things can loosen mucus, calm a sore throat, help a cough. I archived this thread if anyone wants to bookmark for posterity. Maybe some even died. Here's how to tell them apart Two years of lockdowns and restrictions have left our immune systems unprepared for winter colds and flu. By the next RSV season, the US may have its first vaccine. Some features on this site require registration. I'm in my second week of this. "You might see fewer coronavirus deaths in winter because vulnerable people are actually more vulnerable to flu," she said. a fever. The 'super-cold' usually involves an extreme sore throat, a hacking . Those suffering viruses may benefit from Elderberry extract, like Sambucal, or one from the health food store. Symptoms of a cold tend to be mild. An OTC like Nyquil has several ingredients that are potentially dangerous--so if you want the heavy leaded syrup, get a prescription medication because even cough syrup containing opiates is safer than that swill. Two-workers and my husband are in their third week. Talk with your doctor about currently available medications. I rarely have any appetite at all when I'm sick. For those who are double vaccinated, Covid presents itself similarly to a common cold, meaning the symptoms are even harder to tell apart. Know of someone who has developed a serious chest infection from it - was initially fobbed off with antibiotics which didn't work. It's just a cold. . Though, I don't think many of those antibodies tests are accurate. r326, went to Myanmar and Thailand with a friend, with overnight stops in Osaka in Dec, in Hong Kong in Jan, and an exchange in Narita, arriving in L.A. 1/11. Hello. Which is why I'm freaked out about it right now. An 85-year Harvard study found the No. I remember back then, maybe in January.2020, my neighbor never left her house for a month. Both times the illness dragged out to around three weeks. Bah humbug. This thread was created mid-December. Fascinating. Don't think this is the first wave - it's not. I had a nasty cough that wouldn't stop. Take a teaspoon of fire tonic every morning. The dry cough happens because the virus doesn't trigger the body to produce mucus, which in other flus and colds is what allows us to cough out the virus and rid ourselves of it. At one time the coughing was so bad, I think I coughed up what looked like a piece of lung-tissue. Cases of respiratory syncytial virus . On the 2nd day of being sick I developed an odd cough, not really a productive cough that brings up chest mucus, but more of a dry, asthmatic, choking type of cough. It would be odd if Covid-19 had been going around the US since December and not caused a spike in deaths among the usual high-risk suspects. Back in L.A., I did some research about that, and apparently it was normal for that airlines (some kind of fumigant, which I wasn't happy about inhaling), but 2 days later, the Chinese officially announced their cases. Don't risk complications. Cold viruses can be passed from person to person by hand contact or by touching contaminated surfaces such as door handles. RSV hospitalizations were also significantly higher than usual, according to another weekly update published by the CDC on Thursday. I currently am in the throws off this cough/cold. The percentage of adults who have gotten a flu shot is 47.4%. The Dark Man. The last time flu hospitalization rates have been this high at this point in the season was during the H1N1 pandemic. As the 2021-22 cold and flu season arrives, Golden State residents have another array of viruses to blame for their symptoms. Food still tastes weird. We actually have two years of small children who have not been exposed to any of these viruses at any time at all, she said. Thanks, R356. Anti-Inflammatory Effect: A 2000 study published in CHEST suggested that the mild anti-inflammatory effect conferred by chicken soup could be one of the reasons behind the soups ability to mitigate symptomatic upper respiratory tract infections like the common cold. These symptoms can be . I thought it was just a cold (since I had the flu shot). In January, I had a horrible hacking cough that lasted several weeks, preceded by a mild fever. On the off chance that it's rabies, drink plenty of water. Thinks what he knows is true. March 18, 2022CDC's most recent FluView report shows that flu activity is increasing across most of the United States after declining from mid-December through January. Then I started to feel better and all of a sudden the sore throat hit. is lying unless proven. Or told,,,,youre old. The conversation between R7, R10, R12, and R14 is fascinating documentation between people who actually had the virus, and someone offering them a diagnosis. Download This is not the flu, it is a bad cold. I told him I had a cough. Sorry op of this thread, but Benedict Cumberbatch has declared that he was "Patient Zero" for Covid. Currently, activity is highest and increasing fastest in the central and south-central parts of the country. Coughing fits that wouldn't stop. Updated: Apr 4, 2022 / 08:21 AM EDT GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) As mask mandates subside, health officials say they are seeing an increase in prolonged symptoms connected to the common cold. It took weeks to months to fully recover. Thats all. Cough that hasnt quite completely cleared up after almost 4 weeks. So you're not the "first" or only one here to have had it that early. I've told you fucktards. People who travel are exposed to all sorts of things. Ugh, this sounds like that horrible flu from two years ago and came in two waves. R351, thank you for your comment. with numbers at catastrophic levels right now you'd be a fool to go now. Various members of my extended family have had it - all experienced a worse than normal cold/mild flu that lasted for close to 2 weeks+. Information on cold and flu levels is collated from weekly samples taken from more than 90,000 people nationwide at GPs' surgeries, hospitals, nursing homes and pharmacies. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetablesand make sure you get enough vitamin C every day. With the pandemic still ongoing, its going to be really important that people wear masks, Gordon says. I had the fatigue and some other cold-like symptoms (but never a fever), but 7 days into it I woke up and one of my eyes was bright red and somewhat weepy like pink eye. And since he's more famous than you are, he wins! So sad. If one is coughing and not producing any phlegm, then probably a cough suppressant is in order. I never had any indications of bacterial infections, so never bothered to see my GP. I used to travel for a living too, but why anyone would go now unless you're mother is dying, is beyond me. Then too, I live with my brother, and he had it in between my two bouts. All kinds of bugs go around in winter, and apparently this was a bad flu season too. This was when were just hearing about it so it didn't occur to me and thought I just had the flu. Typically, flu peaks in February, so this is considered late in the season . As you see, you are unlikely to die from it, but people do. No need to get liver failure on top of this killer flu. So sad. But you know, it's a random world and she didn't listen to her body. You might remember getting caught in its crosshairs first, one person shows up with a cough and the sniffles, swearing it all sounds worse than it feels. Figuring out whats making you sick can help you recover and prevent spreading sickness to others. click ACCEPT. No fever, little coughing. But there are important differences. Any of us imagined anything. Couldn't sleep during the worst of it. . Hold a pillow to your stomach when your cough becomes violent. [quote]pinpoint the patient zero is extremely hard and virtually impossible in the flu like pandemic. Attention Editors: Reprint our articles and illustrations in your own publication. It took about two weeks for it to go away. I dream of a job where I can take a sick day because I have a cold. They couldn't determine what it was at first, but then a lab test said it was strep throat. My sinuses were so bad that I was shaking from the pain and not thinking rationally. Visiting brother leaves, several days mom not better, I start her on the med combo, feels better in about a week. aches and pains, including headaches. I also managed to get some Equate guaifenesin from Target online this week. Weekly cases counts are less complete for the most current weeks, but there have been more RSV cases detected by PCR tests each week in October 2022 than any other week in at least the past two years. People around the globe are falling prey to a 'super cold', which bears very similar symptoms to coronavirus. This illness has been classified as the flu. Romero stressed that while most adults only need a single annual influenza vaccine, children who are being vaccinated against the flu for the first time need two shots. At one point since March, I had a 24-hour fever of 101f, with chills, but that passed. Heavy mucus. I'm glad this thread floated back to the top again. I'm recovering, but it is SLOOOOWWWWW. And who knows? Within weeks, like clockwork, the bug jumps from desk to desk until half of the team is down for the count. Finally there's the stress of going back to work after Christmas.'. I dont care if I picked it up there, Im never going to stop eating there. 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. for your pointless bitchery needs. Had it two weeks ago. I had COVID. But increasing your intake once you are sick is unlikely to have a significant effect. Trump won't do it, because he doesn't want to hear how many had it under his watch. One of the reasons why chicken soup has always been proven to cure colds and related illnesses. You're body builds a tolerance to it and it becomes less effective the more you use it. There were several days, not necessarily contiguous, when the shortness of breath was severe enough I couldn't lie down and had to try to sleep in a recliner. But because of other similar symptoms, theres really only one way to be certain if you have COVID-19 or flu: Get tested. It just seemed odd and with all the other symptoms I believe I had it. Hope you feel better. Everyone except R36, who posted that it does & then posted a jillion links to articles about chicken soup after she was told to stop posting her junk science. I'm pretty convinced I had the Chinee Sneeze back around Thanksgiving. R37 exactly. Rest, fluids, hot teas and hot baths can all contribute to comfort and relief of symptoms. Jan. 20, 2022 4 min read Heading into the first weeks of 2022, hospitals in our region are seeing steady increases in the number of COVID-19 cases and flu cases. I posted last fall on this thread about a lingering cold. Chesty cough - you may cough up green or yellow mucus. I had it in January and it lasted for 3 weeks. They werent going to bother. The ginger honey tea not only relieves a sore throat but they are known to kill some of the agents that cause colds. As a manager, see if there's something you can do to reduce their workload or redistribute work among team members. Getting=generic, buddy=body. I didn't go to the doctor, because I couldn't get an appointment until mid-March, and there were a few times I was so sick I thought I should go to the ER, but I was too sick to drive and too poor to call an ambulance. The latest CDC update tracks data through October 29. Also, Covid cases seem to be linked to airlines, travel and tourism. Also suggest adding preferably raw garlic, onions, capsaicin - the active ingredient in chili peppers or use Louisiana hot sauce, as well as Tumeric and curry powder to your chicken or vegetable soup. R269 here. Then I got poison ivy and I felt much better again - because my dr gave me a steroid pack. I have been extremely careful, knowing that I already had this preexisting symptom which COVID loves to encounter. Once i went on an international trip where i was with the same 40 people for 10 days. For more consumer health news and information, visit I'm hearing my brother in the next room coughing like crazy. Not the OTC flu medicine, or antibiotics, or even regular medicine. I had these symptom back around Thanksgiving. Make sure to use distilled water only. There are quite a few people describing similar symptoms in December on Datalounge and in other placesif there were already so many cases in December we would have seen hospitals getting busier much earlier than they actually did, which was mid-February to mid-March. Spring is also a peak time for the common cold. 40 50 1 6 weeks State CBSA 2022-23 Influenza Season Week 6 ending Feb 11, 2023 I was told by my PA that this season's cold is a new, "super virus," and can make you very ill indeed, but antibiotics should not be used unless there is a secondary bacterial infection. Sick and exhausted for 6 weeks. Wash your hands often and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. CDC estimates that so far this season there have been at least 2.6 million flu illnesses, 23,000 hospitalizations and 1,300 deaths from flu. John . Cool or warm steam, dont matter. Body fluids had filled the room: Inside Australias grisliest job, Shaylas family speaks after desperate 48-hour search ended in a miracle, A $60 payment appeared in this Aussie mums bank account. The Coke always cheered me up because as a kid we didn't get soda much so it was a treat. Aye yi yi, you poor thing. I immediately started dosing up on zinc and vitamin c for about 5 days, and while my throat felt a little craggy, the symptoms never went beyond that. Someone just sneezed next to me. chills. Until then, the case fatality rates being bandied about are just speculation. Tylenol for the sore throat and body aches. I truly had forgotten all about this but it just showed up today when someone W&W one of my posts on this thread. But you need to make sure you expose yourself to the sun's UVB rays by going outside for at least 15 minutes per day - even if it's chilly., DON'T MISSCeline Dion health: Star cancelled 16 shows due to spasms [LATEST]Covid symptoms: Signs of a 'super cold' - GP [INSIGHT]How a glass of orange juice can reduce inflammation[REVEAL]. &A: Dr. Emmanuel Walter on COVID-19 Vaccines and Kids. "No one can predict what'll happen, but it's reasonable to be very concerned" that respiratory tract infections will rise into the late fall and winter, he says. Walter EB, Talaat KR, Sabharwal C, Gurtman A, Lockhart S, Paulsen GC, Barnett ED, Muoz FM, Maldonado Y, Pahud BA, Domachowske JB, Simes EAF, Sarwar UN, Kitchin N, Cunliffe L, Rojo P, Kuchar E, Rmet M, Munjal I, Perez JL, Frenck RW Jr, Lagkadinou E, Swanson KA, Ma H, Xu X, Koury K, Mather S, Belanger TJ, Cooper D, Treci , Dormitzer PR, ahin U, Jansen KU, Gruber WC; C4591007 Clinical Trial Group. Doctor gave me a steroid shot when I went to urgent care after four weeks, and I started to feel better but then was sick again. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa2116298. "It could well be that now common colds are resurging, because of the decline in social distancing and mask wearing, that they are bouncing back and the respiratory tract has not had enough recent experience of respiratory infections to be able to mount that strong first line defence," Prof Peter Openshaw, at Imperial College London, explained to The Guardian. And my "conjunctivitis" was really "touched Lysol-ridden doorknob, then my left eye"-itis. I coughed nonstop, and yet I didn't have a painful, scratchy throat, and it wasn't hard to swallow (haha), but it felt so unusual. A medical worker disinfects a tent used for suspected Ebola victims inside the Ebola isolation center of Madudu Health Center III, in the village of Madudu, in the Mubende district of Uganda Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2022. But roughly 1 in 5 workers doesn't have access to paid sick days, and it's an even bigger problem for low-wage workers. Adenovirus can cause really high fever, bad cold and respiratory symptoms. It was from nearly three years ago, documenting the start of Covid. Across the United States, cases of respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, and influenza are increasing. The OP was from Dec 2019 and you think he should've read an article nearly four months into the future? They work best if theyre used early in your illness. They don't need to get multiple PCR tests and get a rapid test daily. RSV is a common contagious virus that infects the human respiratory tract. sore throat. I never had nasal congestion or a runny nose. The moment I lie down I begin to cough frantically. Like flu and COVID-19, colds are also caused by viruses and can be passed to others. I was doing a food grade hydrogen peroxide gargle for my gums and then after about 2-3 days of gargling with H2O2 the sinus Infection cleared up. It was definitely unique and unlike anything Ive had before. Walsh says that if you're a manager, tactfully nudging your employee to go home doesn't have to be awkward. Covid 19 wasn't in America in December, we have other diseases here. 'As long as there are human beings around, there will be colds,' said Professor Eccles. Being infected with flu and SARS-CoV-2 at the same time is possible, as is showing symptoms of both. Cough Culprits: Whats the Difference Between Bronchitis and Pneumonia? The symptoms of the severe cold being dubbed the 'worst cold ever' do overlap with Covid, such as a continuous cough, runny nose, and headaches. I should have asked her to buy toilet paper instead. It didnt take 6 months, it took one god damn CAT scan in July.. Romero said the CDC was preparing to send doctors more information about who should qualify for these test-to-treat strategies. we do not know how many people have died, there was no testing for this virus in this country until recently. You will be very tired with this cold, it more like a flu. This whole thread is FAKKE NEWS. And pediatric hospitals remain more full than average with RSV patients and other conditions. So far in 2022, people aged 15-24 and children aged younger than 10 years have the highest . Could your sniffles be caused by COVID-19? As others have said, my major symptoms have been massive congestion in my lungs and head, insane coughing, headache, that hollow weird feeling in my eye sockets, and complete loss of energy. Wear a mask in public, clean grocery carts with sanitizers, wash your hands frequently and use hand sanitizer. Never heard from him again. Extreme fatigue and shortness of breath. When it was cold I would wrap a scarf around my neck and bundle up. Covid doesn't produce mucus. A new 'super cold' with COVID-like symptoms is spreading. The phlegm and congestion just never stop it seems. So the mucus and phlegm reducing cough syrups do help with this. My cold started the week b/f Thanksgiving also. I just wish testing (both types) was more readily accessible. Eat right people! The virus seems to be mutating, so I don't think it's the same as what we had before. So a super cold with symptoms identical to COVID-19 could actually be more of a super flu, as body aches, extreme exhaustion, fever and headaches are the symptoms which usually distinguish a flu from a cold. mild body aches or headache. This is completely unscientific. That does sound unnerving. I hope this was Covid-19 because I had it and I hope I got the antibody. At night I used a heating pad on my chest to break it there. Out whats making you sick can help you recover and prevent spreading sickness to.... 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