DANA ESKELSON plays Ruby's sister, the local sheriff who drags her feet in taking action against Dale and uses some strong profanity. Once they realize that, they have several close calls with those snakes and more, including one that strikes out at Cooper and another that falls on his shoulder. To learn the details of the manor's past, Cooper visit's Dale's aging, demented father who lives in a nearby nursing home. Sharon Stone is a great actress and does well with the part of Leah, but she isnt given much to stand out, and ends up playing a stereotypical role that keeps Stone from excelling. Dale Massie is a scruffy, yet muscular ex-con who claims he has no hard feelings about losing his house to these city slickers. Kristen is mad at her dad when she thinks he accidentally killed her pony. So there's this family in New York City, but they want to get away to someplace less hectic, so they buy a run-down old house in the country. An extreme amount of suspenseful and ominous music plays in the film. Dale then sits next to Cooper and similarly orders several shots of liquor, resulting in Cooper being a bit inebriated. They then meet the former owner, Dale Massie (STEPHEN DORFF), who states he just got out of prison and would like to work for them restoring the house back to its once prominent state. Documentary filmmaker Cooper Tilson (Dennis Quaid) and his professionally. You will receive a verification email shortly. As the stakes rise, Cooper insists that the rest of the family return to the city for their own safety. The implication being that he hit the horse with the car. One then hits the third several times with a pick-like device, eventually causing the skylight to break and the third person to fall through it, another skylight and then hard to the floor below (where he's presumably dead). Cooper hears someone in his house, thinks he sees someone approaching on the other side of some hanging plastic, and punches that person (but it turns out to be Leah). Have you ever wondered what happened in your house before you lived there? This is the question posed by the marketing for Cold Creek Manor, a poor attempt at a heart-pounding thriller that instead has you wondering Where can this film go wrong next? Its all Sharon Stones fault. The daughter and wife were far too distraught to consider that but the cop should have realized that immediately. The screenplay by Richard Jefferies tells the story of a family terrorized by the former owner of the rural estate they bought in foreclosure. If you were a vicious mad-dog killer and wanted to get rid of the Tilsons and had just pushed Leah down the well, and Cooper was all alone in the woods leaning over the well and trying to pull his wife back to the surface, would you just go ahead and push him in? Were they possibly thinking of doing maybe a revenge sequel? An extreme amount of suspenseful and ominous music plays in the film. The man's disjointed comments lead Cooper to believe Dale murdered his wife and children who have been missing for several years; Dale claims his wife fled with the children when he was imprisoned. We later see that saying on a sign in a bar. They get back to the house where Dale has torched Leah's car. Cooper cuts off a poisonous snake's head (with brief and slightly bloody results). None. KRISTEN STEWART plays the Tilsons' moody teenage daughter who doesn't like Dale from the get-go. Dale Massie is a scruffy, yet muscular ex-con who claims he has no hard feelings about losing his house to these city slickers. PLOT: Its a real fixer-upper with a dark past. After Jesse is almost killed in an automobile accident, Cooper decides it is time to get out of the city. You can unsubscribe at any time. Dale has a bad attitude toward Cooper and his family and sets out to harass and get them out of his former house. Plot After their young son is nearly run over in the street, Cooper and Leah Tilson decide to give up high-flying careers in New York City and move to the countryside. The two then struggle and the intruder strikes Cooper and comments on the sound of a bone breaking. We see a rear view of Leah in her small panties as she gets out of bed. He gazes lustfully at Leah. 1 hr 58 min. ImitativeBehavior That movie isnt perfect by a long shot, but it throttled back where Cold Creek Manor goes overboard. Its almost like the script purposely makes the audience want to dislike Leah, so they muted Stone from being able to make her presence known in the film. SHARON STONE plays his wife, an executive who wants to get their family out of harm's way when things get too precarious. A few of them might have helped the movie a little more, such as in transitioning two confusing scenes and letting Dennis Quaids character get the upper hand for a moment. The movie of course issues two small children to the Tilsons, so that their little screams can pipe up on cue, as when the beloved horse is found in the pool. Leah's boss offers to give her a promotion if she spends the night with him while on a business trip. Answer: That may have been the intention if the film had been successful, but as it lost money, any chance of a sequel became moot. Cooper Tilson toils as a documentary filmmaker in New York City. Written by Richard Jefferies. PROFANITY When you think you'll get an explanation as to why Dale Massie is wanting the house back and kill the current owners, you don't. Mike Figgis directed, composed the music for, and produced . Either that or he was struck with some form of mental retardation, which is really unfair because Ive seen movies in the thriller genre before with someone suffering from mental retardation that did much better then Quaid did in this movie. Coopers Documentary looked promising. Or what? Leah Tilson (Sharon Stone) is a working mom who we're told spends about 90% of the time working, and 10% of the time being a mom. Dale shows up at the trailer of his trashy girlfriend, Ruby, and begins undressing her. To end this month of fear and fright, a look back at Touchstone Pictures Cold Creek Manor. The screenplay by Richard Jefferies tells the story of a family terrorized by the former owner of the rural estate they bought in foreclosure. The DVD for Cold Creek Manor gets a little higher marks for having some content to it. Cooper contacts Sheriff Ferguson, unaware Dale has attacked and disabled her and she is unconscious in her office. The movie itself is a giant mistake in filmmaking. This article is a stub and is in need of expansion. Eskelsons rsum may not be as extensive as those of her co-stars, but thats sure to change. Instead of finding a safer place, they buy Cold Creek Manor, an old beaten manor that they intend to turn into their dream home. If they're into suspense thrillers or are fans of someone in the cast, they just might. WHY THE MPAA RATED IT: R With the locals becoming suspicious of them and Dale becoming increasingly unstable, Cooper and his family try to uncover the mystery regarding him and his former home before it's too late. He only stops when the sheriff aims her gun at him. Cooper (DENNIS QUAID) and Leah Tilson (SHARON STONE) have decided to give up the city life of New York for the countryside of Bellingham. The movie stars Dennis Quaid and Sharon Stone as Cooper and Leah Tilson, who get fed up with the city and move to the country, purchasing a property that looks like the House of the Seven Gables crossed with the Amityville Horror. One day the former owner shows up and makes himself at home. Dale is suspected of having murdered his own family in similar fashion. Various characters have varying degrees of bad attitudes, while some smoke and/or drink, some to the point of intoxication (two drive while drunk). Eventually the previous owner Dale Massie (Stephen Dorff). One afternoon after a heated argument with Dale, Cooper finds a dental retainer along with human teeth in the gravel of his driveway, which he compares to old photos and finds it matches that of Dale's daughter. He only stops when the sheriff aims her gun at him. Design and text 1996 - 2023 Jon Sandys. . Cold Creek Manor is a 2003 American thriller film directed by Mike Figgis, and starring Dennis Quaid, Sharon Stone, Stephen Dorff, Juliette Lewis, Kristen Stewart and Christopher Plummer. Moderate After Cooper asks what she did, she says she said yes, but that an emergency phone call prevented that from happening. They check out the Cold Creek Manor, which has long been abandoned. the only things haunting this movie are cliches". When Juliet Luis is cleaning the windshield in the beginning of the movie, she moves to the passenger side and wets the window. Dale Massie is the main antagonist of the 2003 film Cold Creek Manor. There are a few deleted scenes, most of which deserved to be deleted. Extreme Moderate None of the good deleted scenes are worse then anything else in the movie, but they arent much better either. Cooper races to look for him and finds him sitting on the street right in front of a stopped vehicle. Dale Massie is the main antagonist of the 2003 film Cold Creek Manor. Ruby wears a midriff-revealing top. Cold Creek Manor gets a 1 Reel rating. Dale has a tattoo on his shoulder. Dale's father says that Dale is the "corrupt spawn of your whoring mother" and then says that Dale's kids probably weren't even his, that he couldn't even make babies. Cold Creek Manor (2003) Grace (Sharon Stone) and Cooper (Dennis Quaid) decide that they need to slow their lives down a bit and move their family into a big estate in the country. Plot points are so easily predictable it isnt funny: Coopers daughter Kristin (played by Kristin Stewart) gets a horse, so something must happen to that horse and it does. Phrases: "Don't f*ck with him," "He'll rip your f*cking head off," "Shut the f*ck up," "Back the f*ck away," "Get the f*ck out of here," "You f*ck," "Oh sh*t," "You'll sh*t blood," "You little sh*thead," "You piece of sh*t," "You're full of sh*t," "You scared the sh*t out of me," "Corrupt spawn of your whoring mother," "Screwed up," "Where the hell /is he going/are you going to do about it?" The next shot she is talking to. While being drunk. Frightening/Tense Scenes There, they've purchased a dilapidated estate known as Cold Creek Manor and move in with their teenager daughter, Kristen (KRISTEN STEWART), and her younger brother, Jesse (RYAN WILSON). Cold Creek Manor's prime reason for being seems to be a set piece involving poisonous snakes, directed by Figgis with a drunken gusto the rest of the film could use, and as a comeback vehicle for Stone, who tries hard at motherly warmth, but can't quite wash the Catherine Tramell out of her hair. The screenplay by Richard Jefferies tells the story of a family terrorized by the former owner of the rural estate they bought in foreclosure. We are introduced to Cooper, his wife Leah and their kids Jesse and Kristen in the hectic life of living in NYC. The two get into a fight at a bar, Dale and Cooper both drive away, but Dale chases him, and Cooper hits a deer in the process; Dale kills the daughter's pony, kills his dad in the nursing home (he mentions killing his family). Remember the abstract passing of time I mentioned before? The scene where she claims she wasn't hit, she only fell, is the most perfunctory demonstration possible of the battered woman in denial. Its a hustle-bustle life, the pressures of which reach a crescendo when a near-miss in heavy traffic endangers one of the children. Cold Creek Manor: Thriller. Some tense family material and imitative behavior is also present. It was hard to understand the motivations of the characters because the characters are paper thin. We are shown a new weapon, so something must happen with that weapon and it does. An intruder breaks through a door to get onto the roof. None Jesse is nearly struck by a vehicle when he darts out into traffic. As written by Richard Jefferies, the film is more or less a variation of his script for the 1992 black comedy . Rooms look beaten up, filled with the relics of the previous family, and then they are clean and neat and redone, while other rooms still have walls that barely hold the room together. [10], The film opened in 2,035 theaters in the United States on September 19, 2003, and grossed $8,190,574 in its opening weekend, ranking #5 at the box office, behind Underworld, Secondhand Lions, The Fighting Temptations and Once Upon a Time in Mexico. A series of unusual incidents start to occur; Cooper is pursued by an unknown car, multiple venomous snakes are found in the property, and Kristen's horse is mysteriously killed, leading Cooper to suspect Dale. Since he began writing for Laughing Place in 2014, Bill has specialized in covering the Rick Riordan literary universe, a retrospective of the Touchstone Pictures movie library, and a variety of other Disney related topics. Instead of following some sort of plot from point A to B to C to D, for reasons unknown we jump from A to C leaving B out of the film and leaving the audience clueless as to what some characters are talking about, or why character relationships have changed. When it looks as if he has done a terrible thing, Cooper appeals to his daughter to trust in his innocence, which she does. Dale's father refers to Dale's mother as a "whore." Think of the trouble it would be for one man, working alone, to kill a horse and dump it into a swimming pool. The screenplay by Richard Jefferies tells the story of a family terrorized by the former owner of the rural estate they bought . Two people clothesline a third with a rope that they then use to tie him down to a skylight. He smokes a joint, uses strong profanity, smokes, has sex with Ruby and turns homicidal. A photo shows a bare-breasted young woman while an older woman is seen in her panties. He also calls a nurse, "You little bitch.". And both Cooper and Leah are tinged with the suggestion of adultery, because in American movies, as we all know, sexual misconduct leads to bad real estate choices. (R. 119 minutes. A sudden sound might startle some viewers. There, they've purchased a dilapidated estate known as Cold Creek Manor and move in with their teenager daughter, Kristen (KRISTEN STEWART), and her younger brother, Jesse (RYAN WILSON). After Cooper asks what she did, she says she said yes, but that an emergency phone call prevented that from happening. He uses some profanity, drinks and drives, and becomes jealous of his wife. The trailer looked interesting, and I was always game for a Dennis Quaid movie. His father expected his son to have had the Manor in his possesion, but when he looses the house to the government due to short payments, it becomes abandoned and the Tilson family moves in. After a chase, Dale corners Cooper and Leah atop the roof, and openly declares his intent to kill them and dump their bodies down the Devil's Throat like he did to his family. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Headscratchers/ColdCreekManor. Sharon Stone is awesome. He smokes a joint, uses strong profanity, smokes, has sex with Ruby and turns homicidal. Box office. Theres an obscene gesture. We see several tools on a wall, and Dale says that they're killing hammers with spikes in them, used to kill farm animals (some viewers might not like the thought of that). IIRC the family believes it's the father precisely because his headlights/front of the car is smashed. Various clues, accompanied by portentous music, ominous winds, gathering clouds, etc., lead to the possibility that clues to Dale's crimes can be found at the bottom of an old well, and we are not disappointed in our expectation that Stone will sooner or later find herself at the bottom of that well. 21 offers from $7.49. As they begin to make it their own, a series of events begin to occur that makes them believe that the former inhabitants are not yet gone. New York, Afraid for his family's safety, Cooper sends them back to stay in the city while he attempts to gather more evidence to incriminate Dale. Violence He added, "Of course preposterous things happen in all thrillers, but there must be at least a gesture in the direction of plausibility, or we lose patience". Rated R In their new home, which is beautiful but in need of work, the Tilsons find out that even though they are the new owners, the house has a story to it. Dale Massie is the killer. Dale comments on Leah saying that he could have "f*cked" her anytime he asked. So well stick with him remaining drunk, which might not have been a bad idea in order to make it through the filming. We see a photo of a teenager giving "the finger." Two people clothesline a third with a rope that they then use to tie him down to a skylight. . Profanity consists of at least 19 "f" words, while other expletives and colorful phrases are used. Her husband, Cooper Tilson (Dennis Quaid), reminds her to reset the alarm clock to wake him up in time to get the kids to school and go to work. Dale is helpful as the Tilsons adjust to their life. After Cooper asks what she did, she says she said yes, but that an emergency phone call prevented that from happening. We then see a shot of them (through a window with blinds that obscure much of what we're seeing) having sex, with movement and related sounds. A documentary filmmaker, Cooper is intrigued by the history of the house, particularly since the foreclosure on it left all of its belongings - albeit in disarray - still there and ready for examination. I just hope its the kind of movie families will actually be able to watch. HOW OTHERS RATED THIS MOVIE Which is illogical once you start thinking about it. Cooper drives home while a bit intoxicated shortly after drinking many shots of liquor. At least 19 "f" words (3 used with "mother," 1 used sexually), 9 "s" words, 2 slang terms using male genitals ("c*ck" and "pecker"), 3 asses (all used with "hole"), 2 hells, 1 damn, 1 S.O.B., 10 uses of "Oh my God," 4 of "Oh God" and 1 use each of "For Christ's sakes," "G-damn," "God," "Jesus Christ," "My God," "Oh Jesus" and "Swear to God." *Moderate Also, the cast is solid. So they chuck it all. In Cold Creek Manor, a family tired of the noise, traffic and crime of the city decides to move to the country. The previous owner, Dale Massie, convinces Cooper to hire him to help with repairs. DISRESPECTFUL/BAD ATTITUDE Their two children attend private school. Dale pushes Leah into the well but Cooper manages to pull her out. It also helped make this film seem too long, as at least twenty minutes should have been cut in the editing room. 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