After he influenced Burke to think about building an amusement park for his daughter, Katie, Joker also gave him several ideas on how to build one. Later, prior to the Arkham City incident, the brothers would be surgically separated, and had a falling out with Sickle defecting to the Penguin. Some form of disease is spreading over the Joker, ravaging his face and body. The Joker agreed with Batman, found the situation genuinely funny, laughed and coughed soundly in his final moments before spluttering and croaking, before giving one final grin and succumbing to his Titan poisoning, ending Gotham's most dangerous reign of terror. Afterwards, Commissioner Gordon, believing that a dead Joker was just as dangerous than a live one, decided to take his corpse away and hid it from the rest of Gotham, and let only Batman in on its location. The Joker casually turned the tables on the professor, revealing he'd been aware of Strange watching him in his cell at the Asylum and had conducted his own investigation into Strange's own illicit secrets, more likely some of his highly unethical experiments. It's an essential part of his character, and one that's easy to respect in comics,. Share the best GIFs now >>> How is Batman infected with Joker blood? Joker, unshaken by Clayface's defeat, prepared to jump into the Lazarus Pit to claim immortality once and for all and become the new leader of the League of Assassins. When Joker (or rather, his body double Clayface) gave his speech about how he was back where he mentioned that he wouldn't do that since he didn't wish to ruin things, said as one of his reasons for not revealing it as an example: "Imagine your favorite show. As Harley steered the boat to shore, missiles ripped the hull to pieces. There's a section of the game near the end, where you play as the Joker/Batman who succumbed to the Joker infection. Joker then revealed that he had recaptured Gordon before he could escape back to Gotham. Immediately afterward, Batman regained both his mind and sanity and, having built up a tolerance to the Fear Toxin and being freed by a redeemed Jason Todd (who donned the image of the Red Hood), injected Scarecrow with his own toxin. He could make you you cry, giggle and bleed at the same time. Joker was less than pleased by this, as he had been nice and given Ivy stronger powers. Batman: Arkham City Batman: Arkham City is a 2011 action-adventure game developed by Rocksteady Studios and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. So what will it be? He is the arch-nemesis of Batman due to his crimes and high numbers of people killed by his hands, and also due to attempting to break his mind even after his death. After escaping Scarecrow's Fear Toxin hallucination, Batman made his way to Gordon, who was conveniently placed near Bane's holding cell. Feeling distraught over losing Katie, Edward Burke decided to sign the amusement park over to Jack White, and committed suicide by using pills that were given to him by White (not knowing that it contained Joker Toxin). Director Sefton Hill Writers Bob Kane (character created by: Batman) In the deleted Joker Arkham scene now revealed to the public, this is also evident, with the Joker making fun of Batman being scared of the idea that the Riddler was inspired by the vigilante. After he made his way to the Smelting Chamber, Batman rescued Stacey, defeated all of Joker's henchmen, and finally entered the office of the Clown Prince of Crime himself. To slow the vigilante down "Black Mask" turned to the GCPD and hired Edward Nigma, the head of the GCPD's Cyber Crime Division and secret master hacker, to broadcast a jamming signal to interfere with the Batwing and brought corrupt SWAT leader Howard Branden in on the bounty. In the final release, Joker said: "Women! At times I actually wonder if he is actually insane at all. Batman revealed to Joker that the villain was afraid of being ashes and being forgotten and that he would indeed be forgotten by everyone. Driven insane by this series of events he embraced it, believing that the greatest joke of all is that humanity is only "one bad day" away from total insanity. From the Joker, the Riddler and Catwoman to Mr. As Ivy continued to yell about Batman killing her plants, the Joker moaned over the intercom if she ever shut up about them. Go around hitting X to beat up all the Jokers. Joker's consciousness surviving and taking over his foe's knowledge and resources was done in "Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker". RELATED: We Played 'Batman: Arkham Knight' Again In 2022! Fresh from Blackgate correctional facility, with a combined sentence of 250 years. He had a goon waiting to drop victims into the abyss below if they spotted him. Joker demonstrated the successful Titan strain he had managed to create by injecting two of his thugs with a dart gun filled with Titan, much to their surprise. Spare Batman and will give you the secret of immortality. That dynamite should be bringing down the roof of a kindergarden. I did it for you. "I prepared for muggers, killers, thieves. Joker finally prepared the last steps of his plans; and set up an arena for an incredible showdown with his old friend and eternal enemy. Joker used his impressive hand-to-hand abilities to punch, slap, kick, and poke out eyes. The Red Hood persona, the Ace Chemical break in and Batman's presence seem to be the only consistent events in each retelling; the details of whether Batman threw the Red Hood into the vat, failed to prevent him from falling in or if the criminal jumped in to escape justice seemed to depend on Joker's mood at the time. Batman: Gotham Knight does not set out in the Batmanverse, nor does it follow Batman: Arkham Knight in any way. Such humor was displayed when referring to someone as being crazy during his Audio Tapes with Harley Quinn and she asks if that he meant Batman, he instead responds with "Santa Claus" before correcting that he did indeed mean the Dark Knight in an angrier town of voice. A genius computer software designer, who loses everything, and decides to exact his revenge on the world by . We can get back to that later. Despite being scrawny to the point of anorexia, when it came to fighting Batman, Joker could take almost twice the amount of physical pain of his thugs. "Joker, posing as Black Mask. However, this was all a part of Joker's plans as he faked his own death in order to divert Batman's attention, which allowed the hero to become vulnerable to a surprise attack. After all, another Scarface could quickly be built up for him to laugh with, abuse, and then break into pieces. Batman tried to negotiate the release of the bank manager since the Joker "had" him. Gordon handed Batman the flash drive that was found in Joker's body, which he would later analyzed at the Batcave. He didn't have to wait long. After Batman shut off the pumps, Joker sent down a Titan Henchman as a token of his displeasure.Batman defeated the monster and escaped the sewers. The Joker did manage to have the last laugh, providing Catwoman with bombs sometime during the night to distract Batman while she escaped with Bane. Before he revealed himself to Batman in the Vault at the Gotham Merchant's Bank, Joker was disguised as Black Mask, and wore his white suit and trademark mask. Joker also wore dress shoes and matching purple pants with a few stitched patches in a crude attempt to repair possible tears in the pants. STEP 1: Unzip the file you downloaded and copy everything from the "Jokerified Batman" folder to wherever your Arkham Knight installation is located. A construction site blocking my view.Joker 'comforts' Batman over the bodycount. Despite not actually being imprisoned in Arkham City, Clayface had sided with the Joker for one key reason: to play the role of a lifetime. Ding! The Penguin answered, a hulking guard at his side, and immediately reminded them of his "no clowns policy. Thanks to Scarecrow gassing Batman on his way out of the library, Joker was given enough to let Zsasz torture the information out of Dr. Young. Keep destroying the monuments until the Batman himself arrives. Batman emerged from the bookcase panic hatch to confront the Joker, who had rigged the gas canisters to the prison's major air units for timed release. As Batman infiltrated the courthouse, defeated Two-Face's men, rescued Catwoman, and strung Two-Face upside down over a pit of acid, Joker saw his opportunity to implement a surprise attack. They all went completely silent when they saw the Dark Knight carrying the Clown Prince of Crime motionless in his arms. The Joker then dispatched two Titan fueled security guards at Batman, who defeated them both. Should Batman interfere in his plans, he instantly became the top priority. Welcome. He also had no care about the man underneath the cowl as he knew the second his identity would be revealed it would mean the end of their little game, believing that the reveal would be anticlimactic, and even stopped Harley Quinn from unmasking him by saying "no one's who you think they are, my dear, why spoil the fun?" Immediately, Joker began talking to Harley, laughed, and commented about how he pushed her out of a moving vehicle in the recent past. It's the end of the basic part of the main storyline, but there are two additional endings to be unlocked. WE BOTH EXIST BECAUSE OF THEM! He was also shown missing patches of his green hair, and showed some mild bald patches on his head. Are your pointy ears burning? After the Joker was defeated, Barbara was . He was capable of being calm and rational yet this broke in an instant and he reverted to his hysteric state, literally laughing until he was near the brink of tears. Any slip-ups and out of character activity were put down to Black Mask sampling his own product. With Joker controlling his mind, the villain imagined all of the violence that he could perform and laughed insanely at the imagined carnage, as he began a massacre in his own twisted Batmobile, before he continued to murder Killer Croc, Penguin, Riddler, Two-Face, and Commissioner Gordon, saw Gotham City in flame and ruin, cited it to be his 'finest work yet', and told a pleading Alfred that his 'new master' would be returning soon. Oh Mr. J. Joker simply responded with multiple threatening e-mails, then escaped the Asylum. With Joker in his mind, the psychopath had access to all his secrets and planned to use Bruce's company, equipment, funds, and resources to murder all his enemies, consolidate all the gangs under his criminal empire, kill all of Batman's allies, and ultimately lead a campaign of violence on Gotham and the world itself. The PC version told the player to "tilt the mouse" instead. Once Batman defeated Penguin's forces, saved Mr. The Joker also fights specific characters, including guards Aaron Cash, Henry Smith, Eddie Burlow, Zach Franklin, William North, and Louie Green, as well as Commissioner Gordon. It was entirely possible that this too was a lie. After he formed an alliance with the dying clown during his imprisonment in Arkham Asylum, Clayface was quickly convinced to aid the Joker and embroiled himself in the Clown Prince of Crimes last megalomaniac master plan. All this greatly disturbed Batman as he turned each corner to find a new level of the Joker's madness, including the converted Ballroom. Do you know? You don't need to pick any specific targets, especially since new ones appear in the place of the defeated ones. This is also because he is not simply satisfied with Batman's death, but to destroy the foundations of everything he cherishes and values, and psychologically break Batman by making him compromise his morals to prove that he is no better than the Joker himself. "Black Mask" was busy too, ordering his men to cause as much chaos as possible while he took over the Gotham Royal Hotel and converted the ballroom into a death trap with materials from his theme park, also rigging a portion of the hotel to explode on midnight of New Year's Day via bombs disguised as snowmen. Nothing but mere pawns to the Joker, those individuals performed violent mass murders and acts of extreme sadism and megalomania until Batman was able to quarantine them underground in an abandoned movie studio that he had converted into a safety facility. Some even question, from psychiatrist to Batman himself, if the Joker is truly insane as he is extremely intelligent, cunning and appears to have a full grip on reality (if not a highly cynical one). I killed your girlfriend, poisoned Gotham, and hell it's not even breakfast. Incredible tolerance for physical pain, which made fights with him unusually long. He was intensely nihilistic and suicidal. Three months after his big debut the Joker was at it again. Care Instructions: Hand wash in cold water, hang to dry, no bleach Size: Asian . Joker was sent to Blackgate where a psych intern began questioning him to determine his mental condition. In the first Catwoman Mission, a portrait could be found with the inscription: "Cain & Abel - The Duality of Man". VastUnique 1 day ago. Eventually, Batman cleared the toxin, with the Joker warning that by dawn, Bruce Wayne and the Batman will be no more since the Fear Toxin has given him the strength needed to take over his mind for good. Unfortunately for Black Mask and his lover the Joker was waiting when Tiffany returned from grocery shopping. In combat,Jokerhad no special abilities: he's marked,his health bar does not regenerate, & he did not respawn after being defeated. This page of our game guide to Batman: Arkham Knight contains a walkthrough of game's epilogue. While the vigilante investigated Sionis's steel mill, freed the real Black Mask and confronted Copperhead, the Joker headed for the Gotham Royal to call a meeting with the remaining assassins. This mode allows you to keep the unlocked abilities and the progress in solving Riddler's puzzles. And then, we waited, for the inevitable power struggle to ensure. There, he casually burnt out one of the warden's eyes and threatened to slaughter his entire family if security wasn't lowered on the night that the recently captured Calendar Man was to be executed. Drawn to him Harley stroked his arm, falling under the Joker's influence. Once the rest of Gotham's super-criminals were killed off in Protocol 10 and Strange was taken down by Batman, Joker would be able to take complete control of the entire criminal underworld and lead the whole inmate population of thousands of bloodthirsty and sadistic mass murderers, serial killers, and rapists to blow the walls of the prison, stage a coup against TYGER, steal the rest of their equipment and armory, and erupt onto the streets of Gotham in an orgy of bloodletting. Once you regain control of the Joker, start by activating the flashlight. With Talia at gunpoint, Joker demanded the cure from Batman, and confused the hero as he believed that Joker already had it and cured himself. Despite being archenemies, Joker mockingly considered himself and Batman best friends, as he would not immediately kill him even if it was beneficial to his plans because he would be bored without his rival to challenge him intellectually and morally. He took the cure in Arkham City, prepared by Freeze. Kill! A world where the only person you have to answer to is yours truly.Joker's intercom message. While Harley was returned to Arkham, Joker remained at large, ready to think of a new plan to aquire the TITAN. Joker knew that Two-Face was stationed at the Solomon Wayne Courthouse near the church, and planned to execute Catwoman to showcase his might, and also intended to ambush the operation to spoil Two-Face's plans, kill Catwoman himself, and grab Batman's attention. Come on! Firstly, Batman is infected with Joker's Blood as a result of the events of Arkham City. He also displays signs of deep narcissism, but nonetheless he has a well-developed sense of others, as his ability to manipulate everyone from orderlies to doctors in Arkham is extraordinarily well-developed; he also shows all the signs of a highly functioning sufferer of antisocial personality. Joker also killed countless people off screen. The only inmate that he didn't release was Deathstroke, since a professional killer like him probably couldn't see the funny side to being a pawn in a game in order to take control of Gotham. Joker brushed off the vigilante's bravado by revealing Warden Joseph was in the conference room, tied up with explosives. Save the useless friend who got herself captured, or save the useless friend who got herself captured?Joker wonders if Batman will save Oracle or Catwoman. The Joker's lack of interest in companionship or friendship results in him constantly abusing Harley Quinn, his loyal minion and girlfriend, attacking her out of irritation or simply for a hobby. At some point, Joker (using his alias as Jack White) was introduced by Harley (under her real identity as Dr. Harleen Quinzel) to one of her old friends, Edward Burke. Months later Quinzel smuggled in explosives to break the Joker out and rechristened herself with his pet name "Harley Quinn", obsessed with the idea of becoming Gotham's number one power couple together. Clayface as Joker, gleeful, prepared to carve a smile into his face when Talia al Ghul interrupted him and offered him immortality in return for Batman's life. And wait.Joker tells Batman vaguely about his ruse. Of course, the owner refused to sell his headline act. His signature toxin had been released in a powder form by fireworks. At the time, Joker disappearing into Extreme Isolation atop the cell which contained the TITAN thug meant nothing. Dr. Hugo Strange: Side Note Katie Burke was used as the first test subject for Project Titan, though the project was a failure, as Katie's condition got worse, and she suffered a painful death. The Joker needed an escape plan, and on the night of his transfer, Harley Quinn provided one. Whether the Joker realized or even cared a new Boy Wonder (Jason Todd) had taken Nightwing's place is unclear but he did become aware of the boy's more volatile temper. Given his incarceration in Arkham City, he had concocted twelve unique identities with Batman being a defining detail in each. Joker strangled the guard to death before the doctor could save him, and when his cuffs were finally off, kicked the doctor down, which killed him as well. This line referred to the actor, Denzel Washington. Ironically, regarding Joker's question about how come the series ended in a church, Joker's references to "one bad day" and killing a real estate agent to acquire a themepark came from Alan Moore's, The monstrous version of Batman, seen from Joker's P.O.V. The throne of mannequins, dolls and plastic toys Joker sits on just before the finale is likely a homage to the graphic novel Batman: The Killing Joke where Joker tormented Gordon while sitting on a throne similar to the one used in Batman: Arkham Asylum. He promptly vanished only to be found three months later with a new smile carved onto his face. Led to a back room--past a tank whereTiny the Sharkcircled--the Joker happily greeted the Penguin, who promptly pushed him out of a door onto the street. His past is unknown, and his answers to me about it are wildly inconsistent and frequently fantastical. Batman turned off the power to the electrified path, and used the vent to get around the block. He was sedated by Batman before they arrived at Arkham. This encouraged Gothamites to go outside. The only cell that could. He took over the body of Tim Drake, and used his skills as an engineer to create a satellite weapon, before he was defeated by the new Batman, Terry McGinnis. He is extremely manipulative; the file detailing Harley Quinn's associations with him is fascinating reading. The resultant tape would haunt Batman for years and intensified the rivalry between he and the Joker. I can't believe I didn't think of this before! When the Suicide Squad entered Arkham Asylum, Harley Quinn and Deadshot confronted Joker at the Penitentiary's Extreme Incarceration (Located near the cell where Mr. In Arkham Asylum, Joker was dressed in his trademark purple tailcoat and white gloves, with a yellow buttoned shirt and a green bow tie, with a flower attached to his tailcoat jacket, the tailcoat itself had a few rips on the jacket's shoulders and didn't seem to have been fixed or washed for quite some time. Write by: . If the player visited Scarecrow's Penthouse between Barbara Gordon's "death" and the Arkham Knight/Jason Todd battle at the Militia Headquarters, Joker would be seen lying dead and then commenting that someone should talk with Commissioner Gordon with "tampering" with a crime scene, and that he should be ruled a suspect. Using a series of tunnels that connected to a panic hatch in the Warden's Office, Joker captured Warden Joseph. With Vale's chopper destroyed and her pilot dead, Joker sent some of his men to kill the helpless reporter with sniper rifles, and knew that this would force Batman out into the open and serve as a diversion while Harley returned to the Steel Mill with the completed cure. After tracking down the electronic signal from the Electrocutioner's Shock Gloves, Batman infiltrated the hotel and dispensed Joker's men just in time to hack into the security feed and watch the meeting. Joker admitted that even he didn't remember what happened and that the various stories were inspired by a friend who once told him: "if you're gonna have an origin story, it may as well be multiple choice." February 27, 2023 equitable estoppel california No Comments . Batman headed into the sewers to gain access to the office but was delayed by other situations. While he escaped as Bruce reached out to his son, Jason finally began to realize just how much Bruce still loved him and did in fact desperately try to find him during his abduction by Scarecrow. Young tried everything from returning the donations to actually putting a block on her account. Bane returned the favor with a bazooka. After a battle, both were defeated, but Joker held a gun to Harley's head and threatened to kill her. Joker also saw Strange's true designs as a great way to wipe out his most hated enemies and in which, by the end of the conflict, his army would be the only force left standing, ready to tear down the walls of the prison and completely destroy Gotham . Precisely why Joker never revealed Sharp's madness to anyone after the incident was not clear, though he might have simply found it more amusing not to. It was later revealed that Jason Todd was in fact the Arkham Knight, who survived Joker's attack as the villain's true goal was to turn Batman's sidekick against him. Eventually, Burke became the owner of Seagate Amusement Park. While Batman hunted down Bane and Firefly, the Joker (possibly tricking Quinzel into releasing him) instigated another riot at Blackgate, taking complete control of the facility. Most of the victims who were administered the blood were cured by Batman and his allies, but some fell under the radar due to hospital records that never made note of their transfusions. Among the gang outside the theater was Harley Quinn, who gasped, fell to her knees, and sobbed uncontrollably as she saw the Joker's limp body being carried away by Batman. Joker's secondary weapon was his King of Hearts:it had along range and did splash damagewhich launched a volley of grenades, was very effective against a group of Elites and also against the Heroestaking cover invantage pointsor from long distance, but it did need reloading after each shooting. Walk to the altar and try to talk with Harley Quinn. She pulled the Joker out of the water to safety, somehow avoiding Batman's searchlight. TYGER continued raining down death and destruction onto the city, which destroyed the Funhouse and pinned Batman under the rubble. One of Joker's Game Over sequences was a reference to the Game Overs in the Metal Gear Solid series. And then, BANG! The Joker was dying. Knightfall is also a comic arc where in Azrael took up the Batman mantle to fight crime when Bruce couldn't for a time, it should also be noted that this arc was also heavily influenced by. Making contact with Harley, the Joker had her prep things for his return; he also sent threatening e-mails to Dr. Young, hoping to shake her up enough that she would let it slip where the TITAN was made. 02/26/2023 - 10:35 am . He took control of the Administration Building and had his men convert it into a fun-house themed fortress. Even as Joker was dragged back to Arkham, his plan unraveled. The Joker's ego-centrism in this regard was absolute as he viewed anyone who did not agree or attempted to deny his beliefs as irrational or crazy, namely Batman whose ideals of people being basically good oppose the Joker's misanthropic ones. But not to death. If you want to make sure that no one else finds out about your past, you should stop poking your nose into mine.Joker squaring off with Hugo Strange. With Harley leading the operation, Joker's thugs also abducted a doctor, Stacey Baker, who had previously diagnosed Joker, under his orders to bring her to him for an update on his condition. Batman aslo had accidentally locked himself in the bell tower; however, he cut the rope holding the bell in place to escape. The Batman is a 2022 American superhero film based on the DC Comics character Batman.Produced by DC Films, 6th & Idaho, and Dylan Clark Productions, and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures, it is a reboot of the Batman film franchise.The film was directed by Matt Reeves, who wrote the screenplay with Peter Craig.It stars Robert Pattinson as Bruce Wayne / Batman alongside Zo Kravitz, Paul . Edward Nygma aka The Riddler is truly the picture of modern-day villainy. Murdering dozens of guards and releasingjustasmanyinmates "Black Mask" took Commissioner Loeb hostage, announcing that there would be a "clean slate" and some big changes for Gotham that night. With that, Joker knew that he was pushing Batman toward his ultimate limit. Do this about a handful of times. Now all that's left is to watch a new cutscene. He also made a comment after talking to the villain for the first time after they were locked up. When the B+Y command comes up hit them at the same time. ", The box of tricks found in the Steel Mill's Boiler Room, that was needed to solve the, The appearance of Sick Joker in the game was completely different to the reveal trailer for. When discussing the Titan Project in public, Bane's involvement was kept secret, and he was referred to only as "Patient X". Joker saw that Batman had feelings for Catwoman, encouraging him to move on from Talia and have a good time with Catwoman; however, he then added it would only be worse for Batman once he took control of their body and killed her. After he was exposed to large amounts of fear toxin, Batman sometimes saw billboards and posters showing Joker and Batman in surreal imagery, with lingering laughter in the background. With Batman grieving, Joker offered to take control of his body to free him of his pain; however, Joker lost his chance when Batman was encouraged to save Gotham from Scarecrow by Alfred. Once Vale was in the perimeters of Arkham City in her news chopper, Joker took over her broadcast in order to taunt her and then fired a rocket at her chopper, which caused it to crash-land. Due to his negative and nihilistic beliefs of human morality and nature, there were very few crimes the Joker did not commit, reserving no mercy to his own men who he would kill often randomly and violently with no apparent reason, simply because he found it entertaining, even murdering innocent civilians, bystanders and infants, viewing their deaths as a contributing factor to an already sick and sadistic world. He revealed a possible story to Dr. Harleen Quinzel in Arkham Origins and to Professor Hugo Strange in Arkham City: once he had been a failed stand-up comedian who worked night shifts at Ace Chemicals in a feeble attempt to support his sickly wife Jeannie and their unborn child. This is made clear during the Riddler's interrogation scene, in which the villain reveals that Batman was his inspiration to seek revenge on Gotham City. He was taken to a special cell without clothes and away from the other inmates, the one that was frequently used by Amadeus Arkham. When discovering that the "Batman" who had just died was actually Black Spider, Joker said: "Denzel! Two references to some of Joker's plots in different mediums were made when Harley Quinn was searching the Evidence Locker for her mallet: A clown mask and a fish with a grin, which referred to his robbery of Gotham National Bank in The Dark Knight and the events of the episode, The Laughing Fish from Batman: The Animated Series. Ultimately,Scarecrow, who returned after two years of hiding and plotting afterKiller Croc's attack on him underneath Arkham Asylum, which left him horribly scarred and deformed, took over the criminal underworld and united all of Batman's enemies. Meeting ajourned. What do think of this for your mansion, Mr. Mayor? That could be a subtle jab directed at individuals who attempted to figure out the Arkham Knight's identity with ridiculous ideas and concepts prior to the game's release, like Quincy Sharp being the Arkham Knight for example. All three games feature open-world environments of Arkham Asylum, and later on the entire Gotham City, which the player can explore while carrying out the story missions . He is a nefariously insane and homicidal supervillain who is one of the most powerful and dangerous criminal masterminds in all of Gotham City. When you find yourself in an empty alley, walk along the path. The evil clown you encounter is in fact a hallucination, a consequence carrying over from the conclusion of "Arkham City," where Joker. This gave Joker the time to finish what he'd been cooking up in the Warden's Office: altered riot control gas that would allow him to control the minds of the inmates in small doses. Freeze to develop a cure for the clowns growing illness; although Strange had already taken Nora, hostage by that point. The flashlight time, Joker knew that he was sedated by Batman before they at! The Batmanverse, nor does it follow Batman: Arkham Knight in any.! 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Action-Adventure game developed by Rocksteady Studios and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Spider, Joker remained at,! Did n't think of this for your mansion, Mr. Mayor computer software designer, who loses,. Modern-Day villainy he is a nefariously insane and homicidal supervillain who is of! Returning the donations to actually putting a block on her account equitable estoppel california no Comments contained the thug. Spreading over the Joker was sent to Blackgate where a psych intern began questioning him to laugh with,,! Villain for the clowns growing illness ; although Strange had already taken Nora, hostage by point! A kindergarden Gear Solid series defeated, but Joker held a gun to Harley 's head and to. Scarface could quickly be built up for him to laugh with, abuse and...

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