Should it be included in the Old Testament canon? Your view is that the word adelphos, what it means in the brethren is that its talking about Jesus and siblings, they have the same mother but they have different fathers. The fact that this is used of Mary is very unusual. The immaculate conception, should we dogmatize should we not?, It is going to go back to what you believe about the authority of the Magisterium. Great Scottish fiction writers who can conjour up a good descriptive s. Great Scottish fiction writers who can conjour up a good descriptive story. Yeah, sure. Yet, if Mary did not inherit the stain of original sin passed down from Adam, she would not have died and therefore no need to rescue her from death before her earthly life ended. Im not sure why she would be surprised when told that shes going to have a son, given that under Jewish law, she and Joseph were free to engage in conjugal relations even right at that moment after the angel had left. Trent mentioned about dying once. GANYARD: It sure is, George. We should only offer that to the father and the holy sacrifice of the mass. The Greek root is used in Matthew 1:21 to describe Jesus who will save his people from their sins. We wouldnt expect it. Second Corinthians is clear, God made him who knew no sin to become sin for us. Steve may not believe thats what the text says, but if it does say that, theres no contradiction in it saying that. He serves as a staff apologist for Catholic Answers, where he specializes in teaching Catholics to graciously and persuasively engage those who disagree with them. So whether we are discussing the Marian dogmas, the papacy, the purpose of baptism or communion, or the biblical Canon, the real authority behind these debates is whether you trust in the sufficiency of God [inaudible 01:52:23] Scripture to reel itself to you or to the Magisterium, which often conflicts with it. They were both Catholic. According to one commentary Marys song like Hannahs declares that security and significance are found in a God who would care about the broken and poor enough to give himself to them. Well, it is an argument that actually I hear from a lot of contemporary Catholic apologists. I think youve already said to some degree youre okay referring to Mary as the mother of God. Or, since Jesus said the Pharisees in his presence murdered this person, it could refer to one of Jesus contemporaries. What plunged mankind into the fall was Adams sin, which resulted in Adam and by extension all of mankind, including Mary, physically dying. First, ancient Jews kept their books in a series of scrolls and not in a single book, so its anachronistic to say this refers to the table contents in a book. Thats fine. And I truly believe that because youre a nice guy. So we could assume that they have the same biological mother and father. And again, as a Roman Catholic, I would expect them to because their issue is not about Mary. He also did color commentary for the University at Buffalo Bulls football team on WECK radio. Christie also served as an analyst for The Score Television Network. All right, Steve, whenever you begin, I Actually, just give me one second. Thank you very much, Trent. It says in the plural, May their camp be a desolation. And it all goes down to the authority of Scripture. Yeah. So just a historical note for everybody watching. And the same is true for us, that Mary was free from sin, but she still had an earthy body. No, it doesnt say that but it doesnt say Joseph was bodily assumed into heaven and the same three dogmas could apply to Joseph as well, but we dont make as much why is there not a dogma those dogmas apply to Joseph. According to Methodist scholar David A. deSilva, New Testament authors weave phrases and recreate lines of arguments from Apocryha books into their new texts. Qualification, rates and payments will vary based on timing and individual circumstances. If your unbaptized baby dies, and theyre not baptized, guess what? Okay. Trent had mentioned about Mary and her Magnificat saying, God, my savior, and she was referring back to Hannah. As far as original sin, if you look at, the encyclopedia, it states that The Second Council of Orange, it states that, The death of the body, which is the punishment for sin. In other words, sin results in death of the body. He scored 100 or more points in eight of . Stephen Christie has been at the top of the Real Estate Industry for 30 years. So it would-. . And Trent and I would agree that doesnt mean it, in fact, that wasnt even an argument. 878 talking about this. In fact, the authors of these texts, such as Sirach, described writing down Gods wisdom to indicate they were writing Scripture, which wouldnt make sense if they thought the canon was closed. So I would actually disagree with Cardinal Newman to be deep into history as deceased to be Protestant. Singing professionally for over 30 years, Steve Christie is a seasoned performer. How do we know Andrew and Peter are brothers? Philosophy program at Talbot. Catholic answers the firms that while Mary was preserved exempt from all stain of original sin, yet she was not made exempt from the temporal penalties of Adam, such as death. This means not only was she conceived sinless, but remained sinless her entire life. And if that is your authority, thats what makes you a Protestant. The resolution for this debate is the Marian Dogmas contradict scripture. And he went on to say that Muslims and Christians worship the same God when in fact they dont because the Christian God is Jesus and the Muslim God is Allah, and is not Jesus. Please join our community. So the protestant reformers like Luther and Zwingly, did they believe Mary was a perpetual Virgin and were they committed to Sola scriptura? All right. There are a lot of great resources at So here, Mary can be talking about salvation from threats in this life, not sin. Those are both problematic. And just so everybody knows, youre welcome to interrupt him or move the conversation along as you see fit. A fully independent, lay-run, 501(c)(3) ministry that receives no funding from the institutional Church, we rely entirely on the generosity of everyday people like you to keep this website going with trustworthy, fresh, and relevant content. Since he is the uncreated sinless deity conceived by the holy spirit. The Morning Ritual with Garret Lewis- Garret Talks To Steve Christie About His Endorsements, Pima County Voting. He is also a registered nurse and Steve discusses the challenges of balancing ministry and a career. What we can find in the writings of the Church Fathers, however, are hundreds of citations of the deuterocanonical books as inspired Scripture. And this is what I did in the opening statement. Because as Steve agreed with me in this debate, the Greek word adelphos can mean adoptive sibling or half sibling. And we have to ask yourself, is there anything in the Bible that states that in order to be saved, you have to believe in these dogmas? Dear visitors: This Catholic Answers website, with all its free resources, is the worlds largest source of explanations for Catholic beliefs and practices. Trent, whenever you begin, Ill click the timer. Steve Christie also has his own website. In Speaking for the Unborn, Dr. Steven Christie offers very clear, convincing, and often witty answers to almost every possible argument in favor of abortion. And you, just so people are aware, arent being mean or anything by doing that. Its a word that really should be used strictly for God. We are going to move into a time 30 minutes of Q&A. We receive no funding from the institutional Church and rely entirely on your generosity to sustain this website with trustworthy, accessible content. So theres nothing in scripture that contradicts that. Yes. Christian authors, however, never present a list of inspired books written before the time of Christ that matches the Protestant Old Testament canon. While the New Testament does use different Greek words translated until to refer to the condition continuing after the event, such as [foreign language 00:02:21] on its own, [foreign language 00:02:25] is never used once this way in the entire New Testament. He says, of Jacob and Esau in Rebeccas womb, they were not yet born and had done nothing, either good or bad.This means children who die in early childhood represent millions of examples of people who never committed a personal sin in their entire lives. So thats also a bad argument. The proclamation on Marys immaculate conception says that the fathers unanimously believe that which is false. So that doesnt take away from what an errancy is about, which is Scriptures specific affirmations related to what it affirms. Of the 336 field goals Steve Christie kicked during his 15-year National Football League career, none was more important than the one he booted in overtime on Jan. 3, 1993, at the stadium then known as Rich. I dont think he could do that. . And itll be really quick. Im just saying that shows that Joseph had other children who were from other women, just like when we see in the beginning of Matthews gospel, talking about adelphos is used of Jacobs siblings, the children of Jacob, who were born from different women, Leah and Rachel. Oh wow. Yes. And again, what I had argued in the opening statement, is there any example in the New Testament where Jesus is referred to as a preemptive savior, as opposed to as a redemptive and redeeming savior? All right. Steve Jordahl, Billy Davis. Oh, wow. Youre talking about giving someone salvation prior to their sins? And remember this is the focus of our debate, how its used in scripture. Lastly, Psalm 69:8 is a messianic verse, I have become estranged from my brothers and an alien to my mothers sons. Because verse nine begins with for, which is a conjunction, meaning because, since, or therefore, indicating that the same Messiah who would experience zeal for your house in verse nine is also the same Messiah whose mother would have other children in verse eight, which prophesied Jesus younger half brothers not believing in him in John 7:3-5 and dishonoring him in Mark 6:3-4, which occurred earlier in Mark 3:20-21 when they accused Jesus of being out of his senses, just as the future King David rebuked his oldest brother. In order to justify that claim, Christie would have to present a standard that tells us what writings prior to Christ are inspired and why we should accept that particular standard. Defenders Media provides media solutions to an alliance of evangelistic ministries that defend the Christian worldview. Yet evidence of her sinful nature was her lack of exemption of the temporal penalty of death passed on to her from Adams. So I think its important that each of us, we dont have a problem with We might have a problem how to apply it but the basic level mother of God isnt contradicted by scripture. It can also refer to a half sibling as well, such as in the Old Testament, the word for brother is used to refer to Ruben as being the brother of his half brothers. Yeah. So our listeners can go there to read that. So I dont believe that the church in the biblical sense has been an era all that time. Let no one dwell in their tents. This is later applied in Acts 120, but not to a group of people, to an individual, namely Judas. Steve Hays (1959-2020) We just learned that Steve Hays has passed away in a hospice. So it still fits semantically. So we have to read the context. So summarize, the Bible does not teach that Mary sin nor does it teach that every single human being has committed a sin or inherited original sin without exception. So we see here that messianic Psalms are often applied to Jesus in non-literal ways. But they disagree about that because at least infant baptism, for many Protestants, at least it doesnt contradict Scripture, even if Scripture is silent on the matter. Were were talking about whats actually used in the New Testament, because even the New Testament writers would deviate from the Septuagint occasionally, because they would use a better translation. See Genesis 35:23, Deuteronomy 21:15, Joshua 6:26, 1 Chronicles 3:1, and Hebrews 11:28, where firstborn is also used this way. However, there is evidence the New Testament authors viewed these books as Scripture. Can a person die? But those who knew the family, why he is called the son of Mary is interesting, and a good explanation is that he was born of Mary, and that Mary was Josephs second wife. St. Jerome, who was skeptical of the manuscript history behind these books, even tells us that at the Council of Nicaea the deuterocanonical work of Judith was considered part of the canon of Scripture. Luther and Zwingli though, probably they did believe that Mary was ever Virgin. Mary also did not need to be bodily assumed to heaven like Enoch and Elijah, so they would not see death, supported by the earliest church tradition, indirectly supported by Scripture, and strongly implied by the dogma itself. Not Really Of Us: Why Do Children of Christian Parents Abandon the Faith? Its [inaudible 01:14:35]. The phrase [foreign language 00:26:17] is used throughout the Septuagint or the Greek Old Testament without implying any kind of reversal. We believe all Christian's should be able to defend their faith in God & Jesus of Nazareth. Thats because they quoted primarily from the Septuagint, or the Greek Old Testament. Does it say that every single human being without exception has committed a sin? Good day, Steve. Why Is the Protestant Bible Shorter than the Catholic Bible? They were committed to Sola scriptura but we also have to remember that even though they were formers, they were also Roman Catholics and their issue with Romans was not about Marian dogmas, it was about the authority of scripture over the authority of the church. What about after the apostolic age? Steve Christie joins me this week to discuss how he got started in apologetics and why it is important. Before the 2001 regular season, Christie was placed on IR from an offseason groin injury having accuracy problems during the preseason being replaced by Jake Arians prior to the start of the season. Those that have been infallibly defined to be part of divine revelation. Zacharias' daughter, Sarah Davis, posted a message on the website of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries on Tuesday, titled " Ravi Zacharias, Now With Jesus ," confirming that the . And we can actually discern from others passages in scripture that Jesus brothers are his biological younger half siblings. Does the Bible say that every human person without exception has been conceived in original sin? The Greek grammarian Bill Mounce, who writes a whole textbook on Ancient Greek, says that adelphi means, sister, near kinswoman, or female relative. When it comes to [Greek 00:39:49], I already showed that both in the Septuagint and also in contemporary literature, it does not require a reversal of condition, so it can be used here in Matthew 1:25 in this way. It follows that Mary is the mother of God. Did they think that there was anything unbiblical about Mary being ever Virgin? One of these would be Psalm 69, where it says of the Messiah, I have become a stranger to my brethren, an alien to my mothers sons. The messianic Psalms are applied to Jesus, but not in literal ways. Thats what I believe. Even if you have to have some things in essential form, I think he would have to pick someone pretty late in church history, at least over a thousand or 1500 years or 1800 years. I addressed this a little bit during the debates of the specific Greek word [inaudible 01:21:19], which is translate full of grace or highly favored, even Jimmy Akin from Catholic answers that. So I think that was an excellent opening statement. Steve Skojec, Christian Apologetics, and the Problem of Faith June 2, 2021 Esther O'Reilly Patheos Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! Id probably enjoy Polycarp. Many of them did not believe in him. Its nice to be able to go through all of these scripture passages. He might redeem or rescue from bondage those who were under the law because we, which includes Mary, have redemption, the forgiveness of sins, Colossians 1:14. So feel free to answer that briefly. Since the Catholic church is certain that the brothers of Jesus are anything other than biological siblings, meaning uterine siblings, why are they not able to be just a certain specifically who they are? When Matthew 1:25 writes, Joseph kept Mary a virgin until she gave birth to a son, the specific Greek words [foreign language 00:02:06] when translated until, is used consistently in the New Testament to refer to a change in condition. Steve. The Buffalo Bills officially signed Christie to a one-day contract, thus to retire as a Buffalo Bill. As a believing Jew and Christian, Mary would not have disobeyed God who commanded married couples to be fruitful and multiply, nor would she have deprived her husband as the apostle Paul wrote, the wife must fulfill her duty to her husband and does not have authority over her own body so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self control. 1 Corinthians 7:3-5.. Okay. In fact, Protestants believe in many doctrines that are not found in scripture like their 66 book cannon of scripture where that public revelation ended in the first century. Steve said that if Mary and Joseph had remained virgins, they would violate late St. Pauls teaching about marriage in First Corinthians Seven. Dear visitors: This website from Catholic Answers, with all its many resources, is the worlds largest source of explanations for Catholic beliefs and practices. Dr. Steven A. Christie MD Radiology General Radiology Kendall, FL Male 21+ Yrs Experience English 7500 SW 87th Ave, Kendall, FL Overview Location & Contact Education & Experience Overview. The 33-yard field goal came with just :35 to play, giving the Bills a win over the Titans, who had knocked them out of the playoffs the year before. For forty years he has been a fixture in the firmament of the apologetic pantheon, lecturing worldwide and publishing popular books like The End of Reason and Jesus Among Other Gods. If anything like the parents hes a good kid, but I cant imagine by the age of seven that his oldest child hasnt sinned one time. Yeah, no, Im grateful for Steve to take part in this. In 1993, Christie set a Bills record by kicking a 59-yard field goal in a regular-season game. And then hopefully, in my next turn, Ill be able to address some of the other arguments that Steve has raised. What the church teaches is that infallibility does not cover preambles or evidences that are used to formulate a doctrine. Im not saying thats a required view, but its a quite plausible one. Over the past couple of years, I have followed the rise and fall of the Non-Sequitur show. Can I quickly make a [inaudible 01:23:12]. - Fr. 1644440684524367. Thanks. But let me get to that point about death though. Id have to respond individually. Some rabbis opposed the scriptural status of six booksRuth, Esther, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solo-mon, and Ezekiel. Okay. And the same is true for Mary. "Bills and Eagles Turn Mountains Into Molehill; Buffalo Erases 35-Point Deficit",, College of William & Mary Sports Hall of Fame, This page was last edited on 21 January 2023, at 20:11. I mean, its quite possible theyre born of different mothers, but theres no evidence for us to pursue that route. Mark chapter three, even though it doesnt explicitly state that these are Jesuss siblings, the Greek word literally means to be, like of that individual. And again, thats the view of John Chrysostom. But that doesnt mean that we cant show veneration and respect towards the things that God has made and those people who have cooperated with God in salvation history. Many of you know I now have a Catholic Lo-Fi channel. If Mary was conceived sinless and kept the law perfectly, then Christ could not be her savior. In week 1 vs. the Tennessee Titans, Christie went 3 for 4 on field-goal attempts (41, 42, & 33 yards). A fully independent, lay-run, 501(c)(3) ministry that receives no funding from the institutional Church, we rely entirely on the generosity of everyday people like you to keep this website going with trustworthy, fresh, and relevant content. So I would say that James and Joseph are also the son of the sons of Joseph. Its not necessarily saying every single father affirms something, since, as Steve said, you wont necessarily get them all affirming, [inaudible 01:36:48] they dont write on everything. So thats another one. Of course, that is not what we are debating today. No, because their issue with Rome was about the sole authority of scripture over the sole authority of the church. Not just on the Marian dogmas, but also regarding salvation. That would be one. And again, in Sirach chapter 18, I think its verse 17 in the Septuagint uses this same Greek word, but in the masculine to refer to man being full of grace as [inaudible 01:21:46] and obviously Trent and I would agree that it doesnt mean that way. For more information, visit Landlord. Since Christians are not bound to accept their ideas about what Scripture meant regarding the messiah or the need to follow the Mosaic law, we arent bound to follow what they considered to be the boundaries of the canon, which was disputed even among the Pharisees. All serious students of God's Word need to know these Christian apologists below. We see this in Luke 3:1, and if these siblings are Jesuss adoptive siblings from Josephs previous marriage, theres absolutely no contradiction here whatsoever. Thats kind of hard. And Trent and I actually talked a little bit about this, about essentials versus non-essentials of the faith. Okay. While the Greek word adelphos, translated brothers, can have numerous meetings in scripture, the specific Greek word adelphi, translated sisters, only has two. Search. And then it says, when you refer to adelphe, when you look that up, it only has two meanings. [It undermines] the theory that there was a single canon by the late first century C.E. (The Scrolls and Biblical Traditions, 41-43). Steve Christie joins me this week to discuss how he got started in apologetics and why it is important. The importance of discussing these Marian dogma is more than merely to debate them. Steven Christie Founder & Director / Support Coordinator / Specialist Support Coordinator / Psychosocial Recovery coach at Support Base Bendigo, Victoria, Australia 1K followers 500+ connections. I say this by way of concession, not of command. Finally, Christies Pharisee argument for the Protestant Old Testament canon fails because its logic can be used to make a similar argument for a completely different Old Testament canon. If Mary kept the law, she could not be made righteous since righteousness does not come from keeping the law, but through Christs death. Geoffrey Stephen "Steve" Christie (born November 13, 1967) is a former Canadian American football placekicker in the National Football League, who, as a member Steve Christie - Nangungunang mga yugto ng podcast After an in-depth study of the writings of the Church Fathers, both Steve and his wife Janet converted to the Catholic Church. And for Protestants, thats the same as well, because the doctrines of the canon of Scripture, or even Sola Scriptura itself are not found explicitly in Scripture. In his work The Bible is a Catholic Book, Akin notes of the Pharisees canon that the boundaries of this collection were still somewhat fuzzy. How do you understand Luke 1:28s title for Mary as full of grace in the Greek, literally meaning something like having been made completely full in regards to the immaculate conception? Moreover, there was diversity of thought among Jews until the second century after Christ over what constituted the Hebrew canon. Alright? They werent arguments that I made, but they were arguments that other people have made. Lets see how much we can get through. And she doesnt mention sin in this part of Luke one. It has all the free resources including the Study Guide to his first book, all his Bible studies, and his contact info: Steve Christie has also appeared on the Third Man Podcast: Steve Christie has written several books: WHY PROTESTANT BIBLES ARE SMALLER: A Defense of the Protestant Old Testament Canon. So is this your view, Jesus and his siblings have the same mother but they have different fathers? 18. Even a son of Mary would be interesting, rather its the fact that Jesus was referred through a metronym rather than a patronym, that normally in the ancient near east, you would refer to someone as the son of their father, the son of Joseph.. Well, oh, can I have a [inaudible 01:22:11]. That she was conceived without original sin? With the Bills, he would become one of the game's top kickers. 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