While an understanding of the Line's creation is vital to any study of World War I, World War II, and the period in between, this knowledge is also helpful when interpreting a number of modern references. Renews March 8, 2023 By asking Frieda if she just sat there, Claudia displays her ignorance of the realities of male oppression of women. Marie becomes silent, clearly somehow hurt by Frieda's words. She begins to become more religious, solidifying her identity as a martyr. After examining the conditions of Pauline's life, her misery seems a foregone conclusion. 6. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. March 1, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 [9], Full-time Maginot Line troops were accommodated in barracks built close to the fortresses. [12], The great conclusion that was drawn in Paris after the Ruhrkampf and the 1924 London Conference was that France could not make unilateral military moves to uphold Versailles as the resulting British hostility to such moves was too dangerous to the republic. Maginot Line. [31] Stephen Ambrose wrote that in January 1945, "a part of the line was used for the purpose it had been designed for and showed what a superb fortification it was." Miss Marie is insulted when Claudia tells her she is "ruined." [46] Historians have pointed to numerous reasons for the French defeat: faulty strategy and doctrine, dispersion of forces, the loss of command and control, poor communications, faulty intelligence that provided excessive German numbers, the slow nature of the French response to the German penetration of the Ardennes and a failure to understand the nature and speed of the German doctrine. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. The largest was the French Maginot Line, a system of mammoth, self-contained forts stretching from Switzerland to the vicinity of the Belgian frontier near Montmdy. Music Producer, Rapper, Gamer, Artist , Just trying to make it through this thing called LIFE!! For the girls, their mother's word is law: they dislike Marie based on their mother's dislike of Marie. Their father's reaction, while violent, demonstrates the love he has for his family, which is contrasted later when Cholly rapes Pecola, simultaneously failing to protect her and acting as the aggressor. Frieda is angered by her experience and ready to take action rather than remain ashamed and defeated. They also misinterpret Mrs. MacTeer's words and attempt to avert Frieda's "ruin," misunderstanding the words of adults. Get Annual Plans at a discount when you buy 2 or more! The white family's home stands in stark contrast to the home the Breedloves live in. Not according to Robert Kirchubel, a military historian with the FORCES Initiative at Purdue University. They could also be used as a local headquarters and counterattack base. A co-worker and friend of Chollys during his boyhood. Why did the French build the line? Miss Marie is overweight and kind, China is skinny and sarcastic, and Poland is taciturn. The infantry manned the lighter weapons of the fortresses and formed units with the mission of operating outside if necessary. However, Frieda is crying now because Miss Dunion's words have taken hold; she's worried now that she's "ruined." They find Pecola at the back of one of the prettiest houses. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. Pauline has few friends; other women look down at her because she is poorly dressed and speaks like a Southern black. Both static and mobile artillery units were assigned to defend the Maginot Line. PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. But they still do not know what ruined means, and not understanding what makes the prostitute distasteful to their mother, they focus on what makes the prostitute distasteful to themher fatness. Telephone Network: This system connected every fortification in the Maginot Line, including bunkers, infantry and artillery fortresses, observation posts and shelters. [I] settled down to just being ugly.". Her love she saves for the Fishers' daughter, while she becomes quick-tempered and abusive with her own children. Kaufmann added that before construction in October 1927, the Superior Council of War adopted the final design for the line and identified that one of the main missions would be to deter a German cross-border assault with only minimal force to allow "the army time to mobilise. Petits ouvrages: These small fortresses reinforced the line of infantry bunkers. The main construction was largely completed by 1939, at the cost of around 3 billion French francs (around 3.9 billion in today's U.S. dollars worth). Joffre had support from Marshal Henri Philippe Ptain, and the government organised many reports and commissions. Their purpose was to locate the enemy, direct and correct the indirect fire of artillery, and report on the progress and position of critical enemy units. March 1, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. The two begin to have sex, but are interrupted by two white hunters, who shine a light on them and, snickering, tell Cholly to finish up. Of the roughly 8.5 million French soldiers mobilized in 1914 to fight Germany and the other Central Powers, more than 6 million became casualties, either killed, wounded or declared missing during four years of grueling trench warfare. Claudia's response reveals the injustice she feels with regard to the little girl's gesture, and the violent tendencies such feelings inspire. The French side of this border is called the Maginot Line, where the French built a tremendous fortification across from the then Westwall/Hindenburg Line. How do colorism and classism cause this status? She finds her mother singing and behaving strangely, absentmindedly doing the same chore twice. [18], France had an alliance with Belgium and with the states of the Cordon sanitaire, as the French alliance system in Eastern Europe was known. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. They associate being "ruined" with the prostitutes, as they sense it has something to do with distasteful sexual interactions like the one Frieda experienced, and assume because Miss Marie is fat, she must be ruined. She asks where "Polly" is, something that infuriates Claudia because even Pecola calls her own mother "Mrs. [15] The German statement following The Manchester Guardian's article that Germany did not feel bound by the terms of Versailles and would violate them as much as possible gave much offence in France. He feels that is right for a black girl like Pecola to long to "see the world with blue eyes," but a thoughtful reader will note that eye color does not have an effect on vision. Her jealousy shows her inability to conceptualize the trauma incurred during such an experience. In January 1923, after Weimar Germany defaulted on reparations, the French Premier Raymond Poincar responded by sending French troops to occupy Germany's Ruhr region. Frieda and Claudia are confused about what ruined means and worry that Frieda will become fat like the Maginot Line. The final line was strongest around the industrial regions of Metz, Lauter and Alsace, while other areas were, in comparison, only weakly guarded. The Maginot Line laughs and throws her root-beer bottle at them. The Maginot Line tells them she works at a big white lakefront house. Keep in mind, says Kirchubel, that the French didn't believe that the Maginot Line alone could win another war with Germany. They go to Pecolas house, but no one is home. More books than SparkNotes. Contact us There were places along the cable where dismounted soldiers could connect to the network. General Maurice Gamelin, when drafting the Dyle Plan, believed this region, with its rough terrain, would be an unlikely invasion route of German forces; if it were traversed, it would be done at a slow rate that would allow the French time to bring up reserves and counterattacks. The lies about traveling with the prostitutes points to her desire to escape her abusive home and see the world. Frieda equates being "ruined" to being like the Maginot Line, because she heard her mother say that the Maginot Line was a "ruined" woman. After that, her marriage with Cholly deteriorates rapidly. Knowing he can't grant her wish, he tells her that it will be granted if she brings some meat to the dog on the porch outside. He rents from an old woman with a nasty, aging dog named Bob. These GFM cloches were sometimes used to emplace machine guns or observation periscopes. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. On 14 June 1940, the day Paris fell, the German 1st Army went over to the offensive in "Operation Tiger" and attacked the Maginot Line between St Avold and Saarbrcken. The local grocer, a middle-aged white immigrant. One attack broke through a weak section of the line in the Vosges Mountains, but the French defenders stopped a second attack near Wissembourg. The Maginot Line by Bryan J. Dickerson, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Maginot_Line&oldid=1141389027, Military installations established in 1930, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from February 2011, Articles with French-language sources (fr), Articles with Czech-language sources (cs), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Mostly intact, through the preservation of the French Government, To save manpower (France counted 39 million inhabitants, Germany 70 million), To cover the mobilisation of the French Army. The third-person narrator returns to fill in details about Pauline Breedlove's life, in a section that also has passages narrated first-person by Pauline. She depends upon their interpretation of what has taken place in order to understand it herself. French strategy, therefore, envisioned a move into Belgium to counter a German assault. Published April 09, 2021 03:43:00. The term "Maginot Line" has become a part of the English language: "America's Maginot Line" was the title used for an Atlantic Magazine article about America's military bases in Asia. If the animal eats the meat and behaves strangely, her wish will be granted. The Maginot Line, an array of defenses that France built along its border with Germany in the 1930s, was designed to prevent an invasion. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. She loses her tooth, Pauline tells us, while biting into a piece of candy at the movies. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. These generally had two floors, with a firing level and a support/infrastructure level that provided the troops with rest and services (power-generating units, reserves of water, fuel, food, ventilation equipment, etc.). She finds meaning not in her own family but in romantic movies and in her work caring for a well-to-do white family. It turns out that Henry touched Friedas breasts. Andr Maginot finally convinced the government to invest in the scheme. The white woman for whom Pauline worked tries to deal with Pauline, telling her that she will give Pauline the money only if Pauline leaves Cholly. In the following days, infantry divisions of the 1st Army attacked fortifications on each side of the penetration, capturing four petits ouvrages. LitCharts Teacher Editions. On 19 May, the German 16th Army captured the isolated petit ouvrage La Fert (south-east of Sedan) after conducting a deliberate assault by combat engineers backed up by heavy artillery, taking the fortifications in only four days. Elihue's own education brings him into contact with the Western canon, but in these great works he understands only what he wishes to see. The Maginot Line was the brainchild of Marshal Joseph Joffre, a French WWI general, but it was hardly a new idea. Born Elihue Micah Whitcomb, he is a light-skinned West Indian misanthrope and self-declared Reader, Adviser, and Interpreter of Dreams. He hates all kinds of human touch, with the exception of the bodies of young girls. She is tall and impressive, and she carries a hickory stick. Kaufmann, J.E., Kaufmann, H.W., Jancovi-Potonik, A. and Lang, P. This page was last edited on 24 February 2023, at 20:42. In Did you have a question about the first chapter of Bluest Eye. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. The latter meant the next war's destructive consequences would not take place on French soil. The insinuation that Frieda might be "ruined" does not make Mrs. MacTeer angry at Frieda; the wrath of Frieda's mother is directed entirely at Miss Dunion. It may be, though, that such an accusation coming from girls she thought might be innocent only makes the accusation more painful for Miss Marie. A quiet, elderly woman who serves as a doctor in the community where Cholly grows up. All these troops wore distinctive uniform insignia and considered themselves among the elite of the French Army. the air battle, which lasted the into the fall of 1940. "The Maginot Line fit perfectly with this kind of thinking." One of Cholly's happiest memories is of Blue Jack smashing a watermelon and sharing the heart with him. [18] Given the diplomatic situation in the late 1920s, the Quai d'Orsay informed the government that French military planning should be based on a worst-case scenario that France would fight the next war against Germany without the help of Britain or the United States. [21] Reflecting memories of World War I, the French General Staff had developed the concept of la puissance du feu ("the power of fire"), the power of artillery dug in and sheltered by concrete and steel, to inflict devastating losses on an attacking force. In discussion with General Brousseau, the commander of the Metz sector and other officers, the general outlined the French problem in extending the line to the sea in that placing the line along the Belgian-German border required the agreement of Belgium, but putting the line along the French-Belgian border relinquished Belgium to the Germans. Contact us Just six weeks after Hitler began his land invasion of the country, France surrendered to Germany. Heavy rail artillery was hauled by locomotives to planned locations to support the emplaced artillery in the fortresses, which was intentionally limited in range to 1012km (67mi). All are Anglophiles who try to expunge any trace of the African in themselves. By the eve of WWII, the French had constructed a string of fortifications stretching from the Swiss Alps to the English Channel, but the heaviest defenses were along the 280-mile (450-kilometer) border with Germany. The MacTeers boarder, who has a reputation for being a steady worker and a quiet man. Stewart, Amber ed. The elderly woman who raises Cholly. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. Indeed, Belgium feared it would be sacrificed in the event of another German invasion. She slaps Pecola twice, even though the cobbler has burned her legs, demonstrating her disdain for her own child. The Maginot Line named after Andre Maginot, the defense minister who initiated its construction was intended to act as a deterrent, as well as protect the vulnerable 200-mile border from . From front to rear (east to west), the line was composed of: 1. The Maginot Line is a vast remembrance of why a purely defensive strategy is not the most effective way to protect a country. ", Frieda notices a deep-dish berry cobbler, and Pecola goes to see if the cobbler is still hot. Origin of Marie. Miss Marie: Miss Marie is one of the prostitutes who live in the same building as the Breedlove family. France lost about 1.4 million dead and 4.2 million wounded, while . It is the Maginot Line. Pecolas father, who is impulsive and violentfree, but in a dangerous way. [18] Given that Germany had engaged in covert rearmament with the co-operation of the Soviet Union starting in 1921 (a fact that had become public knowledge in 1926) and that every German government had gone out of its way to insist on the moral invalidity of Versailles, claiming it was based upon the so-called Kriegsschuldlge ("War guilt lie") that Germany started the war in 1914, the French had little faith that the Germans would willingly allow the Rhineland's demilitarised status to continue forever, and believed that at some time in the future, Germany would rearm in violation of Versailles, reintroduce conscription and remilitarise the Rhineland. We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. He is a pedophile who loves to touch little girls. This passage foretells the sexual violence and oppression experienced by the female characters of The Bluest Eye. Sensitive and delicate, she passively suffers the abuse of her mother, father, and classmates. She returned with her parents to the house, but Henry was gone. A defensive strategy based on the Maginot Line was an excellent way of demonstrating to Britain that France was not an aggressive power and would only go to war in the event of German aggression, a situation that would make it more likely that Britain would enter the war on France's side.[28]. He was opposed by modernists such as Paul Reynaud and Charles de Gaulle, who favoured investment in armour and aircraft. In the 17th century, from his luxurious palace at Versailles, Louis XIV oversaw the construction of citadels and fortresses meant to mark and protect the Sun King's territory. The prostitutes tease each other affectionately and treat Pecola with kindness, while the rest of the community treats her cruelly. "That's just what the French did," says Kirchubel. Bluest Eye literature essays are academic essays for citation. Cholly refuses to give her money for better clothes, so she takes work housekeeping. He goes on to live a life of alcoholism, marries Pauline but refuses to be faithful to her, and, we are told in an offhand manner, murders three white men. Claudia does not yet know that her mother here is reacting to Frieda's assault by Mr. Henry. 11. [20] Faced with a manpower shortage, French planners had to rely more on older and less fit reservists, who would take longer to mobilise and would diminish the French industry because they would leave their jobs. However, the French line was weak near the Ardennes Forest. [2] French and British officers had anticipated the geographical limits of the Maginot Line; when Germany invaded the Netherlands and Belgium, they carried out plans to form an aggressive front that cut across Belgium and connected to the Maginot Line. He is a religious hypocrite. The Maginot Line is a historic meme, a shrine to the failure of fixed defenses in the age of tanks and planes. -Graham S. The girls misunderstanding of what their parents mean by the word "ruined" speaks to their naivet with regard to sexual matters. The Treaty of Versailles: Did the End of WWI Cause the Start of WWII? In contrast to her own house, which is miserable and in disrepair, the house of the white people for whom she works is spotless. [41] Donnell argued that the primary purpose of "prevent[ing] a concerted attack on France through the traditional invasion routes and to permit time for the mobilisation of troops was fulfiled", as was the French strategy of forcing the Germans to enter Belgium, which ideally would have allowed "the French to fight on favourable terrain". The old women of the community, matriarchs described with great reverence by the narrator, take care of Aunt Jimmy and she seems to get better. Look up his videos for some good strategy. Claudias father, who works hard to keep the familyfed and clothed. Frieda and Claudia walk to the lakefront houses, in a beautiful neighborhood with a park that is for white children only. World War I absolutely devastated France. $24.99 You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at custserv@bn.com. [33] A number of old fortifications have now been turned into wine cellars, a mushroom farm, and even a disco. It was composed of an intricate system of strong points, fortifications and military facilities such as border guard posts, communications centres, infantry shelters, barricades, artillery, machine-gun and anti-tank-gun emplacements, supply depots, infrastructure facilities and observation posts. You'll also receive an email with the link. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. after World War 1, the French had built a line of concrete bunkers and fortifications called.. Battle of Britain. [10], The training was carried out at a fortress near the town of Bitche in Moselle in Lorraine, built in a military training area and so capable of live fire exercises. This points toward a source of Pecola's suffering: she cannot see herself, because she is invisible to so many. Static defensive positions were therefore intended not only to buy time but to economise on men by defending an area with fewer and less mobile forces. 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